
Showing posts from 2008

Good Mood

An hour more before I grow older by another year. Am I getting old or what?!! Love Stef's blog on the Xmas party! Happy that Sidney is super duper sweeeeeet to her!! :) Super good mood today. Hehehe. Volunteered to learn monthend and ended up working til 8pm. Poor Meng had to wait an hour for me and go shopping on his own til I arrive. I'm SORRY!!!! He treated me to my bday dinner. Thanx!!! :p Been getting a few wishes today already. 1 day ahead but I'm not complaining! Hehe. Jus glad and happy that my friends remember. ^.^ Chris Yeo gave me chocs as bday pressie. :D Thanx!! Monthend tomorrow! I wanna do the work!! Give it to me baby! Hehehe. Bday lunch with the girls tomorrow~! Happy!! Will write my review of this year for myself within a week's time. :)

Xmas Bellas 2008

Boring day at work. Thanx to Cher for cooking me a wonderful dinner! Having her around, I'm bound to grow very fat! She's been feeding me soooo well! :) Thanks girl! Finally sent the pics of our polaroids home from the Xmas party. Here they are! Played with Fabio at Ann's place after dinner. Love the dog!! Always kissing me! Hehehe. Congrats to Matt & his wife on their wedding anniversary! I shall go play with my new hp now~! :p

Samsung M8800 Pixon

Lunch-ed at Aunt Mic's place for my bday celebration. Took a polaroid with my female cousins. Gonna scan and send to them. :p Home to play Guitar Hero at about 4pm. Played til about 6pm before sis, Eeyore & I headed to Bugis to choose my new hp as bday pressie! Took us 3 hours to choose and settle everything!! Finally settled on Samsung M8800. Sis bought the same phone as well. For the 1st time in my life, I actually didn't know which phone to get and what I want. Sucky feeling. Made me sooooo pissed with myself!! The problem now is.. What am I going to do with all my Nokia chargers???? Sighz... Dinner at 10pm at Crystal Jade Kitchen - Liang Seah Street. Sooooo full!!! Ordered a set each but all of us were so full (MZ joined us already) that we couldn't finish the food! Packed my portion home for dinner tomorrow. :p Left the place at 11pm and it's 12.35am now. I'm soooo knackered. Time for bed!!

Sentosa Siloso Beach for my Bday Celebration

Bad bad flu! Had to dig for doc's medicine from the previous time as the stupid me kept thinking that I had panadol cold tablets at home. Ended up that I didn't have them. Took the medicine for runny nose and blocked nose. Slept immediately. Woke up feeling better. Luckily for me! Cher and Eeyore were already busy in the kitchen the whole morning while I was sleeping. Hehehe. They woke me up where I showered and we all left for Sentosa Siloso Beach, with all the food they had prepared! ;) Met Eeyore's friend, Stephanie with her hubby and baby daughter at the beach. They're really friendly and nice people! The baby girl was sooooo cute!!! Love playing with her!!! Kept making funny faces at her jus to see her laugh and smile. Soooo sweet!! Irene with hubby and baby boy came along next. Xavier is as cute as ever!!! Sooooo huggable!! My beloved baby boy! :p They brought me my cake, which was smashed!! Hahaha. It's still a cake nevertheless. Wanna thank Cher and Irene fo

Merry Xmas 2008!

Wednesday (24 Dec 2008) Rushed work like crazy. Had to attend the most stupid lunch. Forced to attend. :_( The only good thing was that I knocked off at 12pm. Waited for Eeyore in office til 5pm.. :(((( Rushed to Novotel. Collected room keys, rushed to Aunt Mic's place for dinner. Family loved Eeyore. Kept chatting with him and they played mahjong together while I chatted with my cousins. :p Cabbed to Novotel. Fell asleep waiting for the girls. Falling sick.. :( Played hide and seek in the room. 7 of us - Stef, Sidney, Von, Ace, Anne, Eeyore & I! Damn fun!!! Laughed soooo much!! Bought supper from Macs and 7-11. Ate then played Jenga. Ace lost in both hide and seek and Jenga. Hehehe. Kept teasing him. Had a very fun and enjoyable time!!! Thanx gals!! :p Cabbed home and reached at almost 6am. Realised I left my wallet at the hotel. STUPID ME! Showered and slept. Thursday (25 December 2008 ) Merry Xmas!!! Woke up at 10am to go back to Novotel to get my wallet. Bought a Starbucks

Facebook Games

Playing games on Facebook. I'm hooked!! Super tired.. Lack sleep. I should sleep soon but tummy's growling. Didn't eat dinner. Sighz.. Gaming continues for 15 more mins n I'm off to bed!

Santaro & Ma Maison

Ate so much today!! Lunch-ed at Santaro Fine Dining @ Amara Hotel. Mike's treat for my bday! Travelled to Tanjong Pagar just for my treat. Hehehe. Ordered a sashimi set that included soup, chawanmushi, tempura set & sashimi. Sooo filling!!! And I had 2 portions of desserts coz Mike knew I love it and offered his share to me. Hehehe. PIG me! Had green tea pudding with red beans. Best red beans I've ever had!! NICE!!! Bought a vanilla logcake from Amara and brought it back to my ex-colleagues @ DBS. Chatted with my ex-boss together with my sis for an hour. I miss them!!!! Those were such happy days then.. Not that I'm so unhappy now but those days were more carefree. :p Late to meet XZ. I was a full hour late! Sooooooooo sorry!! Starbucks coffee @ The Cathay & I had my normal Caramel Frappucino. Even more full!! MRT to Bugis, walked around. Chatted, caught up, talked. Dinner @ Ma Maison. Had very delicious escargots as starters and assorted seafood as main dish. Even


Something in me has changed.. :( Not sure if I should still go Novotel on 24th.. I should stop watching my Taiwanese drama. I should stop wishing for a fairytale romance. Dramas are just dramas. There are no such love stories as those in shows. I should grow up and be more mature. But how I wish..

Marina Barrage

Sneeze, sniff, blow. Sneeze, sniff, blow. That's me today. Cher came to clean room. Helped in the cleaning. Bought brekkie. Took lunch from Ann's house. Ate at 3pm. Watched DVD. Napped. Dinner with Felix and Bee @ Tian Tian Fish Steamboat Restaurant. Service was lousy. Glutinous rice dumpling @ Chinatown Night Market coz tomorrow is Dong Zhi. Mus eat glutinous rice dumpling. Service, even lousier. Sighz.. Not my day. Marina Barrage after that. Very nice views. Beautiful. Home after that. I think I'm becoming a person of few words.

Vino Vino

Dinner with VY @ Vino Vino. 2nd time eating with him but 1st time alone. Saw in certain ways that he seems like u. Man U fan Almost similar hairstyle Even certain angles, he looks like u Jus a slimmer version Things that were different Was that he doesn't speed when driving He wears seatbelt He's studious and career driven (not trying to say anything bad about u) But I know better Than to think too much I shall not compare He will always be a good friend Though he's definitely a good catch Not to mention, A very very eligible bachelor But I'm happy with what and who I have Eeyore has been making me happy Despite making me cry once He puts in effort to love me Making me laugh Lets me bully him endlessly Be mean to him I will not think too much Much as HW has been trying to matchmake VY and I That was in the past VY and I have missed the timing But I'm sure, I'm just thinking too much now We're merely friends Will always be that way Thanks for the dinner! Than


Wrote the below at work today. Not coz I had nothing to do but some things have been happening lately that have made me feel sad.. With some close friends and some guys whom I thought were the ones for me. Just some thoughts and feelings that I have. Things are still the same with me. Not to worry! :) I may not be smart I might be stupid and at times, a retard Friends treat me as an outcast Everyday I wear a mask You look for me when you are sad You look for me when your heart feels bad Did u even mean The things u once told me? When you were gone My heart was torn Were all that you said just lies? Words that simply made me cry.. You said that I was the girl for you This is no longer true You said our timing was wrong Can we blame it on the day we were born? Do you mean it when you say u miss me? Do you mean it when you say u love me? U deleted me from your mobile and facebook Am I just a substitute? Once again, you are back in my life When I am still struggling to survive It was hard

Congrats to Lynn & Daniel - ROM!!

Congrats to dearest Lynnie & Daniel on their ROM today!! So happy to see her looking radiant and pretty in her dress!! :)))) Thanks for inviting me babe! Pre-ROM @ DF on Sunday nite! ROM Day! High tea at Royal Plaza on Scotts. Finally a chance to sit down and chat with the babe! :) Daniel is kinda crappy so kept making us laugh. Haha. Had a good time catching up and just chatting. :p Shopped around Orchard after that with Bee. Went to Tangs, Shaw Isetan & Taka. Bought a perfume as Xmas gift. Dinner at Imperial Treasures Nan Bei Restaurant. Ate a huge fish head. Hahaha. Received a bouquet of 3 roses unexpectedly. :) Made my day! Special thanks to Felix for driving us around today and most importantly, helping me throw the dead lizard away! Scared the hell out of me this morning!!! Thanks loads!!!!!!!!!!

My 1st time at cooking!

Didn't really nap the whole day. I'm sooo tired now. Finally cleared all 800+ requests on Facebook and all the messages in my Facebook inbox. At long last!! That took me from 8am til 2pm. For the 1st time in my life, I cooked lunch for myself. And it's not instant noodles! Hahaha. Cooked stir fried oyster sauce kailan & my fave mushrooms. :) 1st try at cooking the kailan. Not too bad but can improve further. I already know what I lacked in it and how to improve it! Hahaha. I shall try again soon!! :p So proud of myself that I cooked today. Hehehe. Felt real good about myself. It's not an everyday thing to me nor do I really know how to cook. No cookbooks or anything. Most of the time, it's simply trial and error. Glad to have done it today. :D Lazed around the whole day. Postponed lunch appointment with Mike coz I was a bit lazy to move. Hehehe. Played guitar til 6pm, prepared and went to Suntec. Dinner with Eeyore and Bee @ Swiss Culture. After that, we went to

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Saturday (13 December 2008) Continued.. No tix to watch Andy Lau again. :( Watched HK drama at home til 5.30pm, then more guitar playing. Eeyore decided to cook dinner tonite. Woohoo!!! He went supermarket shopping on his own and bought food over to my place. Made spaghetti and his own sauce and cooked my fave kailan for me. :) Even bought strawberries and grapes as well. Sweet!!! Showered after dinner, MRT to The Cathay to watch "The Day The Earth Stood Still". Pretty ok show. Jennifer Connelly is pretty and Keanu Reeves is handsome. Hidden meaning behind the show is that humans are destroying Earth. We should do something to save it. Came home after the show coz I was dead tired. Slept immediately. Sunday (14 December 2008) Woke up at 8.30am wanting to visit gram but had a bursting headache. Couldn't get up. Slept again. Woke up many times in between but the headache didn't seem to go away. :_( Cooked noodles for lunch, took panadol and went back to sleep til 4pm. F

Andy Lau Concert - 12/12/2008

Friday (12 December 2008) Half day leave. Struggled to do an unwind deal before I left office. Demoralised. I totally don't understand the deals and the systems. I hate having to ask the same questions everytime there is a deal - How to go about doing it. I finally decided to ask Mahesh when we use the different systems and why must we do that. His explanation was marvellous! At long last, I see the picture and know what I'm doing. Cabbed home as I had plenty of things to do at home. Washed 2 loads of laundry, hung them up to dry. Cleaned both my quilts, washed the covers, boiled water, charged my digicam batt, packed some of the things in my room and it was almost time to leave the house to meet Zoey at Raffles. Chatted with Irene (my ex-colleague from the audit firm) on MSN while I was home. She's married and is pregnant!!! Due during CNY. OMG!!!! Even Huiwen is married and pregnant too!! Due around the same period as Irene. Envious!!! Left me now.. :_( Felt a flood of sa

Tian Tian Steamboat

A quiet day in the afternoon. Times are bad. Economy is bad. :( No appetite recently. Periodic change in my appetite as always. 1 period I'll be hungry all the time, the next period I'll keep feeling bloated. I'm eating for the sake of eating. I have no sense of hunger. If I can, I'd rather not eat but I can't. Sighz.. How contradicting. Espirit to take a look during lunch today as we've got staff discount but nothing worth buying. The only dress that I saw and liked cost $129.90 before discount and after the 30% discount, it's still not worth it. Walked around NTUC with Irene before buying food back to the office. Forced myself to finish the whole packet of hokkien noodles despite not being hungry. Felix picked Irene & I up from office after work. Dropped Irene off then went to Raffles Place to wait for Bee. Waited for an hour!! As always.. :( Chatted in the car and listened to music. Bee finally got off work at 8.20pm. Dinner at Bugis Tian Tian Steambo

Mushroom Pot

Forgot to mention that I bumped into Lynn on the MRT again yesterday. :) Spent the whole of today solving issues again. So many issues these days!!! Human errors, system issues.. Sighz.. This whole week seems so problematic! The only good thing is that it keeps me occupied but.. we get into trouble coz of such problems. Not very healthy. Finally dry-cleaned my winter jackets!! Look new and nice again. Hehehe. Met Calvin uncle after work at CT today. Collected his trophy from an IT guy then headed to CT to pass to him. Caught up a bit with him. Been some time.. Must find 1 day to arrange for dinner with him and Julie. :p While catching up with Calvin uncle, saw Juffri & Yaya going out to buy dinner back. Realised that it's really been a while since I went out with them. Hmmz.... Dinner at Mushroom Pot @ Millenia Walk. 1st time there. Food's pretty good. Love mushrooms!!! Drool!! Ate soooo much that I'm still so full now! Walked to Raffles Hotel to take bus home. Bus came

Advanced Bday Treat

A day at work without Mahesh. A day where I spent my morning solving issues & my afternoon doing a new kind of settlement. Thanks to Irene & Charlie for their patience in teaching me! :p Lunch-ed at Soup Restaurant again today. Haha. Advanced bday treat for Chris mama. They kept teasing me. :( Hehe. In a nice and fun way. Met Eeyore at City Hall MRT then took train together to Plaza Sing to meet BS. Dinner at a Chinese place at B2. I ordered soooo much!! Ate wanton noodles, scallop chee cheong fun, prawn dumplings (har kau) & fried carrot cake plus eight treasure herbal tea. :D Greedy me!!! Hehehe. Walked around a bit then came home. Watching my HK drama now. :p Gonna clean my quilt later. ^.^

Hari Raya Haji

A boring Hari Raya Haji where I woke up at 1.30pm. Did nothing the whole day except to watch my HK drama and play game. Wayyyyy cool! Ordered pizza for dinner & had ginger beer. Still watching my drama and playing game. Btw, booked a room at Novotel for Xmas. :p

Attica Too

Saturday (06 December 2008) Woke up ay 8am, went to Aunt Marg's place to pass her money and stuff before heading to Vivo. MRT there & breakfast at Toast Box. Walked around, went to Harbourfront DBS to open an account, then bus to Alexandra to collect my beloved lappie. :p Thought the service charge for my lappie was $42+ but... It turned out to be $442++!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! Got cheated. Sighz... But I guess that's the price of changing the motherboard. :( Jus hope that it works now. Bus back to Toa Payoh Central. NTUC to buy groceries and to Courts to check out the microwave ovens. Best Denki sells them cheaper. Bought tons of stuff for the house. Too heavy to carry and walk home. Bus back home. Unpacked, did 2 loads of laundry, showered and dolled up for Attica Too "Strut with Style" Party. Met MZ at Central. Sis had headache & Ann had hangover so didn't turn up. Dinner at Song Fa Bak Kut Teh. Shopped at the stalls at Clarke Quay. Bought 2 pairs of long, dan

Chao Zhou Inn Restaurant

Work = Boring. It's been the 2nd day that I had nothing to do. I forgot what I did to pass time besides checking out Bollywood stars from Mahesh's mails. Haha. The boring story of my life. :( Lunched at Soup Restaurant with Michael Yap. He came down to Tampines to meet me for lunch. Cool! Treated him as belated bday present. Hehe. Had a nice chat with him. Been sometime since we last saw each other and we weren't even this close in the past! Hehehe. Glad to still be in contact. :D Left office at 8.50pm. Waited for Mel's keys coz she's going on 2 weeks leave. Talked a bit about Ailmer. Eeyore arrived at the same time I was about to leave. Timing was just nice. :p Wanted to have dinner at East Coast Park but kept seeing flashes of lightning. Told cab driver to drop us at Parkway instead. Dinner at a new restaurant at Parkway @ Chao Zhou Inn Restaurant. Food was quite alright. Pretty good service. Cabbed home after dinner. Prepared and packed the stuff to pass to Aunt


Did 4 macros for options today. Proud of myself and what I have done. No deals so I did something useful that will save time. :) I'm happy! Dinner with Alwyn & Luke @ Liang Court Tampopo. Haven't met the 2 of them for almost 2 years now. Glad to meet them again. Alwyn brought his gf, Felicia, along. Ordered hot sake as well. :p As always, they had to wait for me.. Coz I end work later than them. :( Cabbed to pick Eeyore up then headed to Liang Court together. Left after dinner coz Luke had to go pick gf up from Raffles Place. To RV with Eeyore where I waited by the pool. 1st time seeing the pool. It's big like the way pools should be!! Very good for swimming! I shall utilise the pool soon! ;p Cabbed home after that. Saw CY's facebook today. Have been talking to him recently but am gonna stay out of his affairs and problems. Not my business anyway. Time for my shower again. :) Itch lesser but still there. Hopefully will go away soon. ^.^

Cape 7 Soundtrack

Rash itching like mad since I reached home. Not sure what's wong. Can't wait to take my shower to get clean and stop the itch. Dinner with sis, MZ & Eeyore. Ate at Bugis Crystal Jade. Talked a lot of crap and laughed a lot. I think I can be an entertainer or a comedian someday. Hahaha. Too full of crap. Bought the Cape 7 soundtrack today. Love the songs! :p Kept listening to it in office. It's packaged really nicely. :) ARGH!! Can't stand the itch. Shall go shower now before I destroy my legs.

海角七號 (Cape 7)

Quick post b4 my eyes give up on opening. Bumped into Lynnie coincidentally on the MRT on Monday on the way to work. :) Nice chatting with her again. We used to talk daily on the phone in office though we sit right next to each other. Haha. So hard to talk nowadays. :( Watched 海角七號 (Cape 7) with Bee & Eeyore at Cineleisure. Thought it was jus a Taiwanese show but it turned out to be really good!!! Never expected that!! I laughed so much during the show, yet it had a nice little love story behind it. Really good! My very 1st Taiwanese movie! Am gonna the soundtrack if they have it. :p Shall go and find. Was looking thro Josh's wedding pics in Facebook - his customary wedding in China. The bride was dolled up like a princess. So sweet! And Ali & Irvin were there!!! I miss the SIM old gang with the guys and gals. Haven't met them for so long!! Hopefully Ali gets to come back to Singapore for Josh's Singapore customary wedding. Hehehe. K.. Heading off to dreamland. 1am

Aching Shoulder & Upper Back

Qn: What do u get when u have tons to do at work and no sleep at all the nite before? Ans: A very tired Magz with an aching shoulder and upper back that is making her feel old and dying. How can a deal that was traded on last week still have so many issues and amendments? I simply don't understand. Had to keep posting entries and reversing them. Checking and re-checking everything again. Sighz.. Making my life difficult. Waiting for my BK dinner to arrive. I'm finally feeling hunger. Cabbed home despite the fact that I've been trying to cut down on cabs. I'm simply too dead and tired, ending work at 8.30pm. My body is aching too much for a 1 hour bus ride. My bones might jus break. Hahaha. Lame!

Hearts Addict

Did nothing the whole day. Simply lazed at home, playing Hearts, watching TV and packing my room. Played Hearts the whole day. I must be mad. Nothing much going on. Shall continue playing Hearts.

Happy Bday Xavier!

Friday (28 Nov 2008) Thanx Shuang, for ur sms! Thanx for ur concern! I appreciate it! Touched! Work was ok. Getting there somehow. I have to. Gotta push myself harder next week. I will do my best! Vivo after work. Bought Kiehl's Creme de Corps for my skin. Freaking expensive! But if it works, I don't mind spending a bit more. Bought the limited edition cranberry lip balm as well. Smells too good to resist. Hehehe. Then bought Rosken's lotion with Vitamin E. Smells nice and supposedly good for my skin too. The rash on my skin these days is sooo horrendous that I shudder at my own reflection and when I look at my own hands and legs. Awful!!! Watched "Body of Lies" at 9pm. Show's good but.. I was really really too tired.. I fell asleep for about 20 mins during the show. Sighz.. I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open but really couldn't. Been sleepy the whole day, especially with the swollen eyes. It's really hard.. Cabbed home, showered, took ultra drows

A Day of Sadness

Tired. Cried. Shall not complain nor grumble again. Eeyore apologised and tried to cheer me up again. Better now.. Eyes are very itchy. Shall sleep. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Madagascar 2

I think.. I have been away from work for too long. Took me the whole day to do 2 settlements! ARGH!!! But had quite a number of interruptions in between.. So I'm not that bad (Am I comforting myself or what?). :p But I seriously prefer to have things to do at work then to be bored. It's sooo much better and time just flies. Hehe. 2 new deals today that none of us have seen the structure before. Will have to kill a lot of brain cells tomorrow. Had to rush cab to Bishan coz I ended work at 7.45pm. Movie was at 8.45pm and I only left at 8pm. Cab driver was very very friendly and easy to talk to. Chatted with him the whole journey. About Dad being a cabby in the past, about his kids, my sis, work, etc. Enjoyed the journey a lot! :) Had a quick Passion Waffle Delight at Haagen Dazs before the movie. Watched Madagascar 2. Finally!! Hehe. Been wanting to catch it since I heard that it was out. :D Pretty good but I prefer part 1. Von babe, cheer up. U're a wayyyyyy cool gal and hav

Bali - 23 & 24 Nov 2008

Edit to 22 Nov: Menega Cafe's food is very delicious but be wary of flies. Tons of them! 2nd edit: Didn't manage to catch sunset at Ku De Ta due to the very cloudy weather. Still, it's a nice place to hang out. Sunday (23 November 2008) It was a day of sightseeing - 1st we went to a batik making factory. Then it was straight on to Ubud Market where there are lots of things being sold!! A lot of trash on the floor too! On the way to have lunch at the volcano area, our very wonderful driver stopped the car to let us take pics of rice fields! Buffet lunch at volcano area. Food is only so so & it's tourist price aka quite expensive. But the view was breath taking! Was raining when we arrived and while eating, we were thinking that it's not possible to take pics of the scenery. But, the rain stopped jus as we were finishing and became really nice! Our 1st class driver, Alit, from the villa even told us where is a good place to take pics from. :) That's him in th

Bali - 22 Nov 2008

I'm jealous!! The gals had dinner at Mandarin Oriental for Von's bday celebration and I'm not there!! Sobz!!!! :_( Wonder how much I've missed out... :((((((((((((( 1st day of Bali. As expected, I couldn't wake up. Hehe. Luckily I woke up just in time and Uncle Pat was a good driver. Hehe. Bali.. Fantastic! I'm trying to upload the pics to blogger but the server here is really slow. The villa is AWESOME! Absolutely gorgeous though it's in this really quiet place. But that's what makes it special. Away from town, from the noise and everything. Just pure quiet and peace. Love it! Especially the 4-poster bed that has been my dream bed since I was a little girl. Will definitely have a good sleep tonite. :p 1st thing I did after checking in, jump in to the pool that's right outside the room. Tanned for an hour, showered and headed to Jimbaran. Ate at Menega Cafe. Ordered a 2kg yellow fish grilled, 0.7kg of oysters grilled, sambal kang kong, rice, coconu