Andy Lau Concert - 12/12/2008

Friday (12 December 2008)
Half day leave. Struggled to do an unwind deal before I left office. Demoralised. I totally don't understand the deals and the systems. I hate having to ask the same questions everytime there is a deal - How to go about doing it. I finally decided to ask Mahesh when we use the different systems and why must we do that. His explanation was marvellous! At long last, I see the picture and know what I'm doing.

Cabbed home as I had plenty of things to do at home. Washed 2 loads of laundry, hung them up to dry. Cleaned both my quilts, washed the covers, boiled water, charged my digicam batt, packed some of the things in my room and it was almost time to leave the house to meet Zoey at Raffles.

Chatted with Irene (my ex-colleague from the audit firm) on MSN while I was home. She's married and is pregnant!!! Due during CNY. OMG!!!! Even Huiwen is married and pregnant too!! Due around the same period as Irene. Envious!!! Left me now.. :_(

Felt a flood of sadness after talking to Irene (maybe coz I envy her). I've had a few missed chances myself. Marriage.. Came so close but never happened. The guys that I've loved and lost.. The guys whom I thought I could live with for the rest of my life.. The guys whom I treasure deeply.. They will always have a place in my heart even though we're no longer together.

Met Zoey & her colleague, Angeline, at Raffles. Cher came down as well. Ate at MOS Burger and I finally bought the MOS Cheese Burger Chan mobile strap. Why I chose that is coz the character is a girl and has my surname - Chan. :) Love at 1st sight! Haha. Then, it was time to go for the most important event ever! ANDY LAU WORLD TOUR 2008!!!!!!!! All sadness disappeared. Hahaha.

Cabbed to Indoor Stadium. It was packed!!!!!! Bought Andose toys designed by Andy for $48. Money doesn't matter when it comes to anything related to Andy. They were super cute anyway! Hehehe. Love them!!!!!!!

8.20pm - The show officially started! The stadium was totally full! Not an empty seat available. WOOHOO!!!!!!!! Andy appeared, all of us started screaming!

10.30pm - Show ended.. NOT! Encore!!! Andy sang for an hour non-stop!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM!!!!! He's still as handsome as ever and super fit too!!!!!!!! DROOL!!!!!!!!!!! He brought along his "sons" - Andox and Hei Zai (characters of the toys that I bought). Sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!! Wishing hard now that he has them as mobile straps. I'll buy them and hug them daily!!!!

The concert was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! Thought the rest of the girls who went along won't be as crazy as me but they all went mad!!! We were all super hysterical!! Screamed and cheered our lungs out and we're all suffering from sore throats now! All of us went high!!! How can anyone not go high?!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Bus to Old Airport Road, cabbed home with Cher. Showered, guitar til 3am, slept with Andy all over my mind).

Saturday (13 December 2008)
Woke up at 8.30am, dragged myself unwillingly out of my ever so comfy bed with huge body aches due to the "high" from last nite. Bought pork porridge & soya bean drink for gram, visited her. Fed gram, made her comfy and she slept. Left with sis & MZ. Brekkie at the market opposite gram's medicare centre. Home.

Stopped guitar playing to type this post. Talking to Cher as well. We're still talking about last nite's concert. Hahaha. Waiting for cleaner to come. Shall play guitar again after I finish my chat with Cher. Hehehe.

Irene's sis is helping me to find if there's any tickets for Andy's concert tonite. Keeping my fingers crossed real tight coz I wanna watch again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pray hard!!!!


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