Good Mood

An hour more before I grow older by another year. Am I getting old or what?!!

Love Stef's blog on the Xmas party! Happy that Sidney is super duper sweeeeeet to her!! :)

Super good mood today. Hehehe. Volunteered to learn monthend and ended up working til 8pm. Poor Meng had to wait an hour for me and go shopping on his own til I arrive. I'm SORRY!!!! He treated me to my bday dinner. Thanx!!! :p

Been getting a few wishes today already. 1 day ahead but I'm not complaining! Hehe. Jus glad and happy that my friends remember. ^.^ Chris Yeo gave me chocs as bday pressie. :D Thanx!!

Monthend tomorrow! I wanna do the work!! Give it to me baby! Hehehe. Bday lunch with the girls tomorrow~! Happy!!

Will write my review of this year for myself within a week's time. :)


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