The Day The Earth Stood Still

Saturday (13 December 2008) Continued..
No tix to watch Andy Lau again. :( Watched HK drama at home til 5.30pm, then more guitar playing. Eeyore decided to cook dinner tonite. Woohoo!!! He went supermarket shopping on his own and bought food over to my place. Made spaghetti and his own sauce and cooked my fave kailan for me. :) Even bought strawberries and grapes as well. Sweet!!!

Showered after dinner, MRT to The Cathay to watch "The Day The Earth Stood Still". Pretty ok show. Jennifer Connelly is pretty and Keanu Reeves is handsome. Hidden meaning behind the show is that humans are destroying Earth. We should do something to save it.

Came home after the show coz I was dead tired. Slept immediately.

Sunday (14 December 2008)
Woke up at 8.30am wanting to visit gram but had a bursting headache. Couldn't get up. Slept again. Woke up many times in between but the headache didn't seem to go away. :_( Cooked noodles for lunch, took panadol and went back to sleep til 4pm. Finally felt better..

Showered, guitar, then off to Vivo. Collected Chanel glasses for Eeyore's sis (Not mine.. How sad!), dinner at Brozweit. Had Mozarella Salad & Sausage Platter for 2. So filling!! DF after dinner. Ladies nite and it was my 1st time there on a Sunday.

Sis, MZ, Alvyn gor, Lynnie, Daniel, Ken, Bee, Felix & Eeyore were there. 10 of us. Tonnes of drinks on the table coz ladies get 2 free drinks each. Plus my bottle of Johnnie Walker to finish. Hahaha. Sat right in front of stage. :p Yutaki's not there coz he doesn't perform on Sundays. Watching the performances only made me miss Andy even more. :( Going mad. Hahahaha.

Chatted lots with Lynnie. Babe is getting married. So happy for her!! Tomorrow will be her ROM. Excited!! Hehehe.

Came home, puked. Damn! Been a long time since I drank and to drink so fast too. Sucks! Becoming lousy with my drinking.. Sighz.. Showered and slept.

Monday (15 December 2008)
Woke up at 5+am. Couldn't sleep after that. I'm always like that after drinking. Damn awake but when I don't drink, I feel super tired. Hahahaha. Weird me. Woke Eeyore up at 7.30am and that lazy bum still lazed in bed til 7.45am. Faint.. Bet he'll be late for work today.

As for me, I can't sleep. Still wondering what I should do. I'm supposed to pack my clothes, change my bedsheets but.. I'm a lazy bum too. I'll probably end up playing guitar. Muahahaha.


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