Tian Tian Steamboat

A quiet day in the afternoon. Times are bad. Economy is bad. :(

No appetite recently. Periodic change in my appetite as always. 1 period I'll be hungry all the time, the next period I'll keep feeling bloated. I'm eating for the sake of eating. I have no sense of hunger. If I can, I'd rather not eat but I can't. Sighz.. How contradicting.

Espirit to take a look during lunch today as we've got staff discount but nothing worth buying. The only dress that I saw and liked cost $129.90 before discount and after the 30% discount, it's still not worth it. Walked around NTUC with Irene before buying food back to the office. Forced myself to finish the whole packet of hokkien noodles despite not being hungry.

Felix picked Irene & I up from office after work. Dropped Irene off then went to Raffles Place to wait for Bee. Waited for an hour!! As always.. :( Chatted in the car and listened to music. Bee finally got off work at 8.20pm. Dinner at Bugis Tian Tian Steamboat. Ate a lot coz they took a lot of food and I didn't wanna waste.

I went crazy after dinner. Lame and crappy me! Made them laugh. ;p I like it when my friends laugh. Had to cheer Bee up coz she's having some family problems. Happy to make her cheer up a bit. Hehehe. ^.^ Love it!! MOS to buy peach tea then came back. It's been a while since the 3 of us had such dinners together (long dinners, not the kind where Felix always has to rush back to work). Enjoyed myself! It's always a good feeling to be hanging out with close friends and knowing u can be urself.

Haven't played guitar on Xbox for the last couple of days coz the idiot me played til my left wrist hurt. I shall play 1 song tonite. Now!!! Hahaha.


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