Mushroom Pot

Forgot to mention that I bumped into Lynn on the MRT again yesterday. :)

Spent the whole of today solving issues again. So many issues these days!!! Human errors, system issues.. Sighz.. This whole week seems so problematic! The only good thing is that it keeps me occupied but.. we get into trouble coz of such problems. Not very healthy.

Finally dry-cleaned my winter jackets!! Look new and nice again. Hehehe.

Met Calvin uncle after work at CT today. Collected his trophy from an IT guy then headed to CT to pass to him. Caught up a bit with him. Been some time.. Must find 1 day to arrange for dinner with him and Julie. :p

While catching up with Calvin uncle, saw Juffri & Yaya going out to buy dinner back. Realised that it's really been a while since I went out with them. Hmmz....

Dinner at Mushroom Pot @ Millenia Walk. 1st time there. Food's pretty good. Love mushrooms!!! Drool!! Ate soooo much that I'm still so full now! Walked to Raffles Hotel to take bus home. Bus came before I reached bus stop and I ran for the bus. Hahaha. In my heels! Managed to catch it! Woohoo!!!!!

Home and Jac (my tenant) told me that my other tenant Nathalie lost her permit and keys to the house. OMG!!!!!!!!! Gotta change the lock again! Sighz.. Troublesome!! Think I better get the extra lock from my sis soon, just in case.


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