My 1st time at cooking!

Didn't really nap the whole day. I'm sooo tired now. Finally cleared all 800+ requests on Facebook and all the messages in my Facebook inbox. At long last!! That took me from 8am til 2pm.

For the 1st time in my life, I cooked lunch for myself. And it's not instant noodles! Hahaha. Cooked stir fried oyster sauce kailan & my fave mushrooms. :) 1st try at cooking the kailan. Not too bad but can improve further. I already know what I lacked in it and how to improve it! Hahaha. I shall try again soon!! :p

So proud of myself that I cooked today. Hehehe. Felt real good about myself. It's not an everyday thing to me nor do I really know how to cook. No cookbooks or anything. Most of the time, it's simply trial and error. Glad to have done it today. :D

Lazed around the whole day. Postponed lunch appointment with Mike coz I was a bit lazy to move. Hehehe. Played guitar til 6pm, prepared and went to Suntec. Dinner with Eeyore and Bee @ Swiss Culture. After that, we went to Marina Square to buy pressie for Lynnie and shopped around a bit. Dessert @ Xin Wang Cafe. The beancurd was such a huge pot and I didn't know!!! I even ordered a Mango Pomelo dessert as well! Faint...

The beancurd was nice but not the mango pomelo. Don't try that pls! Cabbed home and realised that I lost my TV License bill. Shit!!! Gotta call MDA tomorrow to check with them the billing reference number so that I can pay before end of this month. Sighz.. Stupid me!


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