Soap in Eye!

Thursday (30 October 2008)
Can't really remember what happened yesterday. Haha. All I remember was what happened after work. Think coz I'm too stressed at work to wanna remember anything. :p

Harry's @ Milennia after work. Badminton team celebration cum gathering. Lyn drove Charlie, his gf & I down. Her fiancee came later. Kek paid for the drinks. I ordered sangria. Played pool. Won all the guys who were there. Hahahaha. I ain't good but.. Let's just say that the guys ain't too skilful nor sharp in their aiming. Hehehe.

Cabbed home. Felt sick. Bad cramps since afternoon that I had to take panadol to stop the pain but by night time, the pain came back. Couldn't stand straight and felt like puking. God.. Felt tortured! Came home, immediately showered and knocked out instantaneously. The minute my head touched the pillow, I was gone... Into dreamland..

Friday (31 October 2008)
Woke up feeling better. Bought coffee as always from Old Chang Kee on my way to office. The Malay lady recognised me already! Commented that I've been buying coffee from them daily since last week. Haha. Yupz!! I've got no time to make my own coffee now! Buy so that I can just throw the cup away and not wash coz I've got no time to wash! :( That's how busy I am everyday now.

Lunched late coz I was super busy. Ate fast coz I needed to buy bedsheets. Bought and it was madness work again. The crappy part was when I was washing my hands and the soap from the dispenser squirted directly into my left eye!!! How the hell that happened, I have no freaking idea!!! My contact lens hurt soooooo bad coz of the soap in my eye that I had to wash it immediately. And the left eye had the stinging pain for sooo long that it turned bloodshot and was tearing endlessly! :_( Bad luck!!

Evans gave me a lift to Vivo after work. Dinner at Moon Ladder Bar & Bistro @ Labrador Villa Resort & Spa. Had steamboat dinner then proceeded to the sofa area for drinks. Ordered "Sex under the moon". Quite a nice drink! Plus the ambience of looking out and seeing the sea (or was it lake? Whatever!), the music was perfect.. The sky was dark with only 1 twinkling star. It was peaceful and comfy. Chatted and took some pics then came home!

Took so long to get a cab to answer to pick up our call. The driver was listening to Class 95 and the station was playing good music. Madonna's "Take A Bow" played and I was singing along to it softly. Could hear the driver singing along to the song as well!!! Hahaha. He turned up the music and sang along. Woohoo!!!!

K.. Home now. Time to sleep! 1.20am now and I gotta wake up early tomorrow to visit Gram and to move a lot of furniture around plus pack the house. Sighz..

Just for info: Turkey trip confirmed from 8-16 Nov. Bali trip confirmed from 22-24 Nov. I can't wait to go on my hols and to relax!! I'm dying from stress!!!


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