
In about an hour or 2, I'll be leaving this comfort zone on my bed with my aircon on.. I'll be leaving behind my blog, leaving everything here in Singapore for more than a week.. Into the arms of Turkey. Looking forward to it? I'm not sure.. Something's pulling me back this time round. Is it due to Egypt? Probably. I'm sure Turkey is much better than Egypt. I certainly hope so. :)

At least 1 thing is for sure, Turkey's weather will be much better than Egypt. Much cooler. I never knew I had long sleeved tops til I was packing last nite. Seriously, I dug out soooo many long sleeved tops that have been stashed in my wardrobe since eons ago. Might have the wardrobe smell but I don't care. I need them now. Haha. Just gonna spray heaps and heaps of perfume to cover up the smell. :p

What will happen in Singapore when I'm gone for a week? Sooo many banks declaring and announcing that they are cutting people. I'm worried.. For a lot of people, for a lot of reasons.. I don't wish to have such surprises (more like shocks). Sighz.. Have told Eeyore, Ash & Cher to keep me updated. Pls pls let there be no shocks for me..

Looking forward to coming back from Turkey, meeting up with my dealers and some friends for lunch or dinner. Catching up with people I haven't met for more than half a year. Going on my Bali trip is something I'm looking forward to as well. The sun, sand and sea.. My fave thing to do.

Was watching my Michael Phelps DVD the whole day. He IS damn GOOD!! Watching all the matches once again. Man.. How I wish I can swim like that.. Have always loved swimming. Today is Citi Masters - Swimming competition. Haven't swum in a very long while. Shall train my swimming, running and badminton with Eeyore when I'm back from Turkey. Will be fit and compete next year.

And Kek is challenging me to another game of pool. Haha. Sore loser! He still can't get over the fact that he lost.. To me!!! Hahahaha. I'm lousy and still can win him. No wonder he can't get over it. Hehe.

Time flies.. Gonna leave soon.. Can't bear to leave this time!!!!!!!!!!! But I will make sure I enjoy myself in Turkey. So many holiday venues changed this year.. From Hokkaido to London, to Greece, to Spain, to LA , to Holland then finally settled on Turkey. I shall make the best of it. Thanks to Bee, Felix, Ash, my aunts and everyone else for their well wishes! Appreciate it!

Hopefully I have fun and young people in my tour group. People I can click with. Best would be to have some cute looking guys too! Hahaha. Then I can have some eye candy. Out of 29 other people, let there be 1 or 2 will be good enough. Hehe. I think I'm too bored. Am gonna stuff my ears with my Ipod and fix my eyes on my DS Lite throughout the trip. :)

Take care all! Next update will be when I'm back. I'll miss ya all! *HUGZ*


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