
I'm sure many of us have been misunderstood before.. But has anyone been as misunderstood as me? I seriously wonder..

Not going to dwell on it. It's a good thing I have friends who know me well enough to gimme all the encouragement and support, who gave me the much needed trust with no questions asked. Thanks to Justin for the encouragement over FB & MSN, telling me that I am who I am and even asking me to stay sweet. :) It really gimmes a warm fuzzy feeling to know that. Also to Carissa mummy, Christine mama, Irene, Cher & Jess for believing in me.

I never did have the jealous streak in me before. Maybe that's why I don't understand and dunno why there are people who can be soooo easily jealous and angry over little things such as friendships. Yes, I believe in platonic friendships and most of mine have worked out well. But, oh well... Different people, different thinking.

Anyway, I know for a fact that I like being the way I am. I can't please the world and I ain't gonna change myself in anyway. I'll be me, as always. :p

Little update on my last 2 days. I'm becoming slack in my daily updates to being once in a few days. Been too tired and going out quite a bit this week. Caught "Watchmen" with Eeyore last nite and show ended at 12.40am.. Zouk with BS, Esther & Eeyore tonite for some event where we were invited guests. Nothing much happening.. Very crowded!

Time for bed.. Woke up real early to go work.. Nitez!


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