
Waiting for Eeyore to come home for our "talk". I told him in office today that I'm getting sick and tired of all the doubting. I told him straight that every few weeks, we revolve around the same old topics.. Over and over again. His doubts on why I fell in love with him so fast, why I even like him in the 1st place, why am I so in love with him. He was the one who told me not to be over reliant on love, not to fall too deeply in love. Told me not to take him for granted after he moves in to my house, the room next door. Kept asking me why I'm still not sick of him by now.

I did what I was told and he said I wasn't sweet to him anymore. It got me going to tell him that I was only doing what he wanted me to do - To love him less. I merely followed and did everything he said. Then he said I misunderstood him and that we need to talk. So talk, we are.. Tonite.. :( I can only hope that it turns out well. It's not the 1st time we're having such talks. I told him I don't wanna keep talking about the same issues time and again but I really hope that this will be the last.

I will try again. I dunno how it's gonna turn out. I dunno how many more times we can try. I'm really really tired. All this is draining me out.. I think I was happier being single. If this doesn't work out, trust me, I'm staying single no matter what. At least for a year. I don't think I can take any of this anymore. I need time to be on my own, by myself.

Dinner with Matt. It's been a year since we last met. A year since he went back to LA. Dinner at Jalan Kayu - Jerry's. Wasn't very hungry to begin with and the dinner jus made me soooo full up. Buffalo wings were good but too spicy for my liking. :( Had a Hoegaarden. Seems like every Tuesday is beer day for me. Hahaha.

Holland V after dinner to meet Wan & Zo. The 2 people whom I get to meet only when Matt is back. Zo looks pretty as always. :) Lesser make up now, prettier. Ate my fave bubblegum ice cream from Cold Rock Creamery. Everytime I go to Holland V, I'll never fail to eat my fave ice cream no matter how full I am and how on the verge I am on puking. :D That's how greedy I am.

A short time spent with them coz I told Matt to send me home before 10pm coz Jean said she'll be calling me around that time. So here I am, waiting for her to call. It was nice seeing Matt and talking to him again. Wonder when we'll meet again..


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