Major Grocery Shopping

Qual è il significato di amico? Non ce la faccio più... Non importa.. Non lamentarsi.

Grocery shopping with sis & MZ @ NTUC last nite. Eeyore joined us late. I can't control my spending without him around. Spent $300+ at a supermarket. Record breaking moment for me. Fish steamboat after that @ Rangoon Road. It's nice!!! 1 of the best thus far. :)

On the way to Rangoon Road, I was lying on Eeyore's lap at the back seat. It's so nice to have him stroking my hair, touching my face and simply looking at me with loving eyes. Yes, it made me feel loved and very much like a little girl.

Lena called when I sat down for dinner. She's coming to Singapore!! Getting married!!! 4 months pregnant already. She's been with Jimmy for soooo many years now. She has finally gotten what she wants. :) She asked if I've found my right one. Told her I hope so. So much catching up to do when she's here! Can't wait!

Shucks.. Too busy blogging that I forgot to check in on my laundry.. Sighz..

Time for some gaming action now~! :p

Edit: At a time when my mood is really down, when the world seemed so dull, I am glad to have Eeyore by my side being ever so willing to share my problems, listen to my issues. At a time when my cramps hurt so bad, I am glad that he is willing to have a simple dinner of instant noodles which he cooked for me. Was forbidden to even enter the kitchen to help wash up and was pushed backwards all the way back to my room and on to my bed. On such days, I am thankful and blessed to have him. Thank u for making me laugh, for caring for me.. For putting the smile on my face.


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