UTI back?

Thank u to all the caring friends who showed concern for me in some way or other with regards to the "talk" I had last nite til 1am. :) We're ok now and all I can do is hope that the issue is over, that we can be at peace for as long as possible. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Feeling that my "friend" aka Mr UTI came back to look for me. Don't feel good and don't feel comfy. I think I'll need to see a doc if it doesn't recover by Fri. Don't want it to spoil my trip...

Not feeling too good.. Think I shall sleep soon. Someone commented that my eyes look swollen/tired.. Even asked if I was sick. I think, I must look awful now.. Time for more rest.

Edit: Eeyore's very nice to me once again. I'm happy!
Edit 2: Supposed to sleep... But Xavier jus msg-ed me and is talking to me about his relationship problem.. :( I shall try to cheer him up...


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