Dad's 1 year death anniversary...

Saturday (28 February 2009)
Woke up to a nice brunch with my fave chwee kueh specially bought for me by Eeyore. Not forgetting my very much needed coffee. :) Mm... Sweet~!

But.. Some arguments here and there later on in the evening. From the time I was so 'lucky' to get bird shit on my head while waiting for a cab to the time that we started watching DVD at Anne's place. Sighz.. But, I mus say that we reconciled our differences quite quickly this time round. :p Phew!

It was a great evening at Anne's place. Love her new place! Soooo absolutely nice and cosy. Think we're all gonna chill out and hang around at her place quite often from now on. :ppp Eeyore and I both love her pool and the tennis courts! Time to get healthy! *winks*

We had dinner, followed by girls' talk in Anne's room. Then, it was Uno time!! Eeyore is really not very good in such games besides poker. Hahaha. Then it was Jenga time! And he's still not good at it! Last game, pictionary! Not much chemistry between us except for some parts when we started to think more alike. >.<

Watched "Kids" and the whole show was about booze, drugs and sex. OMG! It was an eye-opener. Never ever watched a show like that before. Left Anne's place at 3+am feeling half dead and very very sleepy. Cabbed home, slept immediately.

Sunday (01 March 2009)
Woke up at 8am to pray to Dad. It's been a year since he was gone. :_( I still miss dad from time to time. Wish I can still hug his big tummy when I'm down and for him to stroke or pat my head to cheer me up again. Wish I can still argue and quarrel with him about things and issues. So many things that I still wish I can do with him.. I miss my daddy..

Tears rolling down my cheeks.. How I have surpressed these tears meant for my dad. How I have forced myself to be strong and not cry time and time again. Luckily I was sneezing and blowing my nose the whole of today. Else, Eeyore will definitely know that I'm crying now.

Anyway, it was off to visit Gram after praying to Dad, Mum & Gramp. Gram smiled very happily when she saw me and it was enough to bring cheer to my heart. :) After feeding Gram, we headed to Aunt Mic's place for lunch then it was home sweet home. Supposed to pack my wardrobe but ended up playing mahjong with Eeyore, Aunt Marg, MZ & his mum instead.

Won $24 overall.. And I struck 4D too. Won $40 from that. Hahaha. Not a lot but I'm glad to have the luck. :) All thanx to the bird who took its dump on my head! Hehehe.

K.. Feeling very tired now. 4 hours of sleep the whole day coupled with tonnes of sneezing can kill. Nitez folks!


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