
Some things happened to make me realise who my friends are. Certain people, I'll no longer ask for help from.. Or rather, I'll choose not to contact anymore since they don't give a damn anyway or simply gimme lousy excuses when asked to meet, etc. Don't wanna waste my time and energy on such people anymore. They are jus not worth it.

I did something important during lunch time today. I went for an interview. :p With which company, I shall not say but let's just say that I think I merely did ok, nothing spectacular. Might not even be considered as good but oh well. Keeping my thoughts and expectations low so that I won't get too disappointed if I don't get chosen. And if I do, then I'll probably be happier. Hehehe.

I hate interviews! People who know me well enough will know that. But yet, every year around this period, I do crazy stuff like this.. Going for interviews. Sighz.. Thankfully, I always have supportive people around me who get me thro all this craziness. :) This year, I have to thank Carissa mummy, HW, Bee, Marina, Irene, Mahesh and of coz Eeyore. Kept telling myself that it's ok if I don't get it. Don't be nervous. Hehehe. Was pretty ok.

But coz of going for 1 interview, I saw the true colours of certain people. Nevertheless, it is another learning experience. Everyday, we learn something new.

PS: Hope Stef gets well soon. Take care babe!


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