My new toy

Haven't had much time to blog daily again. Been busy at work due to year-end and the fact that my boss will be going on her 3 weeks' leave soon. I've got to settle everything that needs her approval before she enjoys herself.

We had a company event last night for most of the CIB people. I finally got to see some of the people that I've been liasing with but never had the chance to see how they look. I must say that most of them look very different from what I imagine through the sounds of their voices over the phone.

For all of us at TJ, we were supposed to dress up as J-pop or K-pop. Not many of them dressed up though. I wore a tank top, mini denim skirt, high boots and a cap (Will post the pic up later as I haven't gotten the pics yet). Had to rush down to city plaza to buy the cap and boots. Must thank D for rushing me there and back to office to buy. Without her help, I wouldn't have won the Best Dressed Award for the genre of J-pop/K-pop. I liked what I wore and it was fun. D, big THANKS goes out to you for all your help yesterday! Appreciate it lots!

Didn't get to eat much during the dinner at Raffles Town Club. Was too busy running around getting ready for the performance. Didn't perform though. I was only the presenter. Hehe. Our segment was pretty screwed due to some lighting problems and stuff like that. Didn't do too well but we sure had fun during rehearsals and stuff.

Most of us who performed went for drinks after the event was over. Headed to One Fullerton in whatever I was wearing and i could see the stares and looks from people. Haha. Couldn't be bothered. I liked what I wore and there's nothing to hide. The club we went to was crowded and the music was definitely way too loud. Decided to change location to Fullerton Hotel's Post Bar instead.

It was the 1st time that we actually had a group of CIB people going out for drinks. CPB people continued staying at the noisy club with the exception of Felix who definitely stayed there coz of the gal he likes (Not going to name her). It was enjoyable as we sat there, sitting peanuts and drinking though most of us were starving. Haha. When the bar closed for the night, we headed to a place at Republic Plaza that opens 24 hours for food. As Cheryl and my legs were killing us due to the super high heels, we walked barefooted all the way there. Haha. Edmund (my big brother in office) piggybacked me for 2 minutes before complaining that I was too heavy and let me down to walk. :p First time someone ever piggybacked me in public.

Reached home at about 3 to find out that both Ken and Felix were high at One Fullerton. Both couldn't sms properly. Sighz... Guys.. Always getting drunk. Wonder why. Anyway, they managed to reach home safely and that's good. Slept at 4.30 in the morning.

Refused to wake up today coz I was really worn out. Tom came to my place around 3pm and I was still sleeping. Took a bath and we went to the SITEX exhibition at Expo. It was raining very heavily when we reached and it was only when we reached that we realised there was no umbrella in the car. Waited in the car for the rain to be less heavy for about half an hour. That half an hour wait was very romantic to me coz I was lying on his lap and he stroked my hair. Could see the love in his eyes while he was doing that and I truly felt the love as well. It was a beautiful moment.

The rain finally became a drizzle and we went to the exhibition. It was crowded but we managed to get the things that we set out for. He bought his Razer Diamondback mouse and mouse pad for gaming purposes and bought me a digicam for my birthday. So sweet of him to buy me something that I want. Thanks baby for spending so much on me! :) The digicam's my new toy to play with. Can take pics of everything that I like and upload it into my laptop. Yay!

Since my baby bought such an expensive present for my birthday, I volunteered to pay for dinner. We had steamboat buffet dinner at Suntec and we are so full!! Cancelled our initial plan to go for drinks at Paulaner as we simply couldn't afford to drink or eat anything else. Came back to his place and here I am, typing this entry while he's watching TV.

Gonna join him soon but before I end I have to tell DFT this. Lemme know if you want me to remove your blog from my list and if I'm not supposed to read it k? Promise I won't read it if you say so. :)


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