18 days or less?

Received a sms from Sonia today informing me of a Xmas gathering on 17th Dec. It's the exact same day that I'll be checking into Fullerton for my 1 night stay with Tom. Was a bit disappointed at not being able to join the gathering as it has been a while sinceall of us caught up with one another and I'll love to meet everyone. Tom didn't seem to be in a good mood today so I didn't dare to say much except to tell him that I had just been informed of the gathering.

Knocked off work late due to some last minute stuff to handle. Everything that's happening this week is kinda in a rush as my boss is going on leave and things that need her approval has to be settled by this week. I've got lots of stuff that needs her approval so I've been rushing around like a mad woman. Screw ups in systems have also become an issue and I keep being harrassed by everyone though it's not my fault. Sighz.. Anyway, Tom had to wait for me to knock off work in the end.

When I finally met up with him, I told him I'll pay for the cab fare to his place. The queue was very long as it was raining. While waiting for the cab, I told him that I had something to tell him but was afraid that he would be angry. Made him promise not to be angry or upset and he agreed. Told him that I would love to go for the gathering and if it was possible for us to push forward the stay at Fullerton. He nodded his head without much hesitation and told me to call Fullerton to check if they had rooms available on 10 Dec. The simple nodding of his head and his willingness to let me enjoy myself simply made me understand once again why I truly like him. He is always so giving, so considerate and never restricts me on the things that I wanna do. Thanks baby, for allowing me to have the best of everything!

So that's settled. I'll confirm with Sonia on the date for the gathering before I call Fullerton tomorrow to change the date for the stay. I hope they still have rooms available on the 10th. Else... I'll probably just be sad..

While waiting for cab, I asked Tom if he was unhappy. He simply said that he was tired from work and that he hates working. Asked him if he would be happier working in Treasury related departments and he said he doesn't know what he wants. Asked him if he would be happier at the company he was working in before he joined us and he said most likely. I know he's not happy with work here and I know he doesn't like what he's doing. I won't force him to stay if he's unhappy. All I want is for my dear to be happy. Baby, if you find a job that you feel you'll be happy working, go for it. We can still meet up after work. I won't force you to stay here k? As long as you're happy, I'll be happy.

For now, enjoy the pictures of my D&D where I'm J-pop star. :)

Lynn,Joycelyn (my boss), Joy and I from my department.

Ah Bee was the one who told me where I could find boots that were affordable. Bought the cap for the night too!

Lawrence, Gina and I after the event. It was only supposed to be Gina and I but Lawrence wanted to show his wife this picture. Haha.

The group of performers and behind-the-scenes people. From left to right: Ah Chuan, Edmund gor, Charlie, Ah Bee, Me, Lynette, Gina and Agnes. In front: Felix and Anson.


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