
It's been a long time since I last caught up with Anne. The last time was the dinner that we had our gathering at IndoChine. Decided to email her to catch up. Talked about friends from SIM, people we've caught up with recently and people from office, and the topic of marriage. More on marriage later but I realised that people in my office are truly genuine and care for others even though they have joined other companies. Many of them still ask me about Anne and how she is doing which goes to show how fantastic these people are.

Back to the topic, we talked about marriage. Why? Coz many of our common friends are either engaged, have gotten flats with their partners or are intending to get married by next year. I remember there was this period when we were still studying where almost everybody we knew were breaking up. Some of us even called it the 'breaking up' season. If my memory doesn't fail me, I think it was sometime in Oct or Nov but I can't remember the exact year. And now, it's the 'getting hitched' season. So many people I know wants to get married by next year. It's truly amazing to me.

I heard/read this somewhere before but no recollection where I heard/saw it. Not sure how it was phrased but it's something along the lines of there's no point or need to get married. I can move in with the person I love and intend to live my life with. Marriage is just an official title by law. Without that legal title, I can still call him/her my husband/wife. And if 1 day, things get bad between the both of us, I shall just move out and continue my life from there instead of having to go through divorce. This is especially so for couples who do not plan on having kids.

Honestly, I'm not too sure about that. Probably it's the sense of security that being legally married gives a person. I've never thought of it that way. I've always wanted to get married between the age of 26-28. I once thought of getting married at the age of 24 but now, I feel that it's still too young. I'll prefer to enjoy my freedom as long as possible. Not that life gets restricted after marriage or anything like that but somehow, a person's life changes after marriage and I'm not sure I'm ready to accept that yet. :)

Oh well, marriage for me is still a long way for me to go. WIll just have to take things as they happen.

My sweetheart's on leave today. Think he was quite bored at home coz he blogged twice. Got bad news yesterday regarding our leave plans. We actually planned for leave during the same period in Dec but a colleague just got news that he would have to go back for reservist during the same period. Hence, we had to re-schedule our leave and it's not the same period anymore. This means that I can't spend more time with my boy. We'll still be going for the Fullerton stay on 1 of the weekends though and I've already made reservations. Can't wait for that weekend to come. :)

As my dear was on leave today, he made dinner for me. Steak, sunny side up, soup and bread. I must say, it was a fantastic meal. But my poor baby was scalded by splattering oil while cooking the sunny side up. Poor baby. He deserves a big hug and kiss for all the effort. Thanks baby for the nice dinner! Appreciate it. :)

Just finished watching 'Amazing Race' on TV. It's been a long time now since I got to watch any shows on TV. Decided to leave office early today as I was bored. Haven't managed to leave office early for sometime now. Time to pamper myself! ^_^


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