19 days..

I'm suffering from insomnia! Haven't slept properly for the whole of last week. It sucks. No matter how tired I am physically and mentally, I just can't seem to fall asleep. Wonder what's the cause of this. Everybody keeps asking me if it's work stress but I doubt so. Haven't had much stress from work and I've not been working late recently. It's causing me to heaty and pimples are breaking out. Sighz..

I'm blogging this in the office. It's still considered lunch time anyway. I went for lunch at 12.50pm and came back at 1.20pm. Amazing record time. I finished my plate of chicken rice in 8 minutes. The last time I ate this fast was when I was still in JC, gobbling down my food to prepare for Orientation. Haha. So long ago.. Edmund, my big bro in office, just offered me chocolate cookie and dessert. He's very sweet. A very very nice guy. Glad to have him as my bro coz he always looks out for me and takes care of me. :)

Work today is ok. Slightly busy as 2 of my colleagues from my department are out of office for Orientation today. Got to cover for them and there were quite a number of hiccups. The reports that I use had some weird entries and all printers in the office can't be used! It's causing a lot of problems as we can't print and it's very troublesome to reconcile details between a few screens. Sighz.. None of the IT people have reverted to us though we've been complaining. Haha. They always take their own sweet time.

Had lunch with CPB people. Felt pretty awkward coz I didn't have much topics to talk with them. Wonder why. It's better when we go drinking in a big group. Probably coz I talk more with the CIB group and probably Alvin and Justin from CPB (though Justin's no longer with our company). Sighz.. Guess I won't be lunching much with them anymore. I'll just eat in with the rest next time. :(


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