
Showing posts from 2004

thanx all!!

wanna thank everybody who have made my bday so special. BIG THANK YOU goes out to everybody in the office, esp my dept people. as promised in the earlier blog, i cried in the office today. it was touching n the 1st time i ever had so many people celebrating my bday for me. had mixed feelings coz it's my last n yet it's my bday. couldn't control the tears. special thanks goes out to Lin, Diana & Melissa who put everything together. thank u so much for all the fun time!!! will definitely miss u all. everything was beautiful but some asshole had to spoil it for me in the office. accused me of stealing other people's bday cake n cutting it. felt like scolding him n making it into a big thing since it was my last day anyway. was stopped by everyone but i'll never forgive that bastard. never ever. i'll curse him everyday til he fucking die manz. trust me. anyway, enough of that asshole. i still didn't get what i've always wanted on my bday from my


i'll be leaving dbs in 2 weeks time n honestly, i feel kinda sad by it.. all the friends i've made there, the joy n laughter that everyone has brought.. i think i'll cry on my last day. trust me on that. haha. i definitely will cry.. sighz.. anyway, we celebrated linda's bday in the office today n it was quite a touching moment. the cake from secret recipe is really fantastc!!! :p tom's bday was on 11/12. went back to work on that day n he had to wait more than half an hour for me. hehe. went to pick my sis up from her place, went to hilton hotel for her to check into her suite. that place is gorgeous! after that my sis treated him to lunch at sushi teh n haagen daaz ice cream. i bought him a whole tiramisu cake for him at hilton hotel n we went to a friend's place for mahjong. got angry with him during the game n refused to talk anymore. haha. he's suffering from stiff neck now.. serve him right. haha. keep telling him to buy new pillow but keep re

happy bday josh~!

stupid laptop is having some problems. keeps telling me operating system not found when i try to on it. i've to keep trying so many times before it works. sickening!! think i'll have to send it for repairs soon. had eb town hall on thurs nite. was quite enjoyable but spoiled by some dumbass that we all hate at work. well, let's not talk about stupid people like him. it was quite fun.. food's alright.. pretty nice. participated in some games n had fun myself. haha. :p couldn't wake up for work on yesterday. was simply too sleepy. hehe. got pissed off during the day by the new company that i'm supposed to be working at soon. audit manager was late to sign the appointment letter with me last week but i waited for her for half an hour. she told me that there would be training for me this saturday n the following 2 saturdays n that she would make it a half day affair so that it won't be too strenuous. she didn't tell me the time though. so i called h

from this moment

From This Moment by Shania Twain I do swear…that I’ll always be there… I’d give anything and everything and I will always care Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, For better for worse, I will love you With every beat of my heart From this moment…life has begun From this moment…you are the one Right beside you is where i belong From this moment on From this moment…i have been blessed I live only for your happiness And for your love i’d give my last breath From this moment on I give my hand to you with all my heart I can’t wait to live my life with, i can’t wait to start You and i will never be apart My dreams came true because of you From this moment…as long as i live I will love you…i promise you this There is nothing…i wouldn’t give From this moment on Oh oh You’re the reason i believe in love And you’re the answer to my prayers from up above All we need is just the two of us My dreams…came true…because of you From…this…mome


juz finished watching a movie by nicole kidman called 'birth'. story line's quite slow though it's supposed to be mysterious. story's about a 10 year old boy who believes that he is nicole's husband who passed away 10 years ago. at the end of the show, i'm not sure whether he is or is not nicole's husband who reincarnated to be the little boy. think not many people knew either coz they were all talking about the show. haha. :p met up with my buddy, husni, for the show. haven't met up with him since 2 years ago i think. pretty nice to sit down, chat n catch up on each other's lives instead of juz chatting over msn. hey buddy, tell me the story about u n the gal u meeting tonite ya? hehe. by the way, thanx for the movie n the treat at big o. :) saw my jc council juniors while i was at big o. they had a gathering cum meet up session after their exams. nice to c them still as united unlike my own batch of council. haha. gave them $20 for their

job at last~

finally found a perm job.. at long last! pay's not fantastic, lunch hr is only 45 mins instead of the usual 1 hr, but hey, at least it's a start i guess. juz hope that my colleagues r nice n friendly, n most importantly, pple who have fun. i don't think i'll enjoy working at a place with a very serious working environment n there's no fun n laughter at all. it'll be terrible! will c how it goes when i start work there. finding a new job is gd.. but it also means that i'll have to leave the place that i'm at now. i've had so much fun working here n getting to know so many great pple. i'll really miss them all, esp mel n diana (the 2 blur ones who have really made me laugh on so many occasions. without them, life in dbs wouldn't have been so much fun), jessie (who has taught me so much n even treated us to dinner), ivy n rachel (the 2 who r forever stressed out but yet can joke n fun), priscillia (who's like a real mum), cheryl (the youn

beautiful saturday~

dumb bush won the us elections. sucks! anyway, i had a great saturday yesterday. woke up in the afternoon n went fo rmy masage. boy, did i feel good!!! 1st time i went for a massage n i signed up for 5 at 1 shot. it was that gd. value for money i feel. for the 1st time in months, i'm not aching all over esp my back. the whole process took 1 hr n 15 mins.. all that massaging.. only 1 word to describe.. fantastic~! went to shaun's bday celebration after that. was supposed to b at balaclava but they had some dumb age limit n the dumb boss refused to serve us. stupid dumb management. anyway, we changed the location to zouk winebar (again).. haha. but this time we had seats coz we reached there ard 9. ordered hoegaarden n chatted while waiting for bday boy n more people to come. gradually all started to come n they kept making shaun drink. poor shaun. in the end, he threw up 3 times at winebar n twice in the car while sending him home... who wouldn't puke with all that

yesterday once more

went to watch 'yesterday once more' in cinema today. it's a show starring andy lau n sammi cheng. the show was funny but i don't understand the ending. weird ending to the show... show ended with me being blur... came home, took off my necklace n dropped my 3 pendants on the floor. found 2 but can't find the last one. i don't want to lose it coz it's diamond.. not coz of the person who bought it... i've tried looking all over the house but i simply can't find it! sobz... this is saddening.. can't concentrate on what i'm typing now... busy talking to jean on the phone. hehe. :p

a tribute to matthew

just finished watching the bachelorette on tv. was really sad that meredith rejected matthew and chose ian instead although i knew all along that ian was the last guy standing thro the internet. felt that matthew was a much better guy in terms of character and personality. moreover, she told matthew that she was honoured to receive a ring from him and propose to her. however, matthew was as gracious as he always was. i could c his disappointment n sadness in his eyes. it was really hurting to c that. i cried when he was rejected coz he was still so gracious, kind n caring towards her. i don't understand y meredith kept saying that he's the guy she ever wanted, dreamt of, looked for n yet still reject him. he put his heart on the line for her n i think he deserves more. hope that he'll find someone better. best wishes to this great guy n hope that he will find true love one day.

dedicated to my sis~

my sis finally got married today (30/10)! must wish her a happy n blissful marriage! was quite angry with her the past few days for taking me for granted n for venting her anger on me. but when i saw the slideshow of her from young til now n her hubby, it was quite touching. had to control my tears coz i was the emcee for the day. :) glad that my sis married ming zhong. i know he'll treat her well. the way he gives in to her whenever she loses her temper, it's enough to tell me that this guy will love her forever. he's sweet n nice to her. that's the most important thing in a relationship. it's not about looks, money, or car. those r only for materialistic people. what's important is the character n personality of a person. i don't believe that anyone should shortchange themselves for someone else coz if u really love a person, u should accept that person juz as he/she is. that's the way that love should be. everybody keeps asking me when is my

reality shows

watched singapore idol results on tv today though i forgot to watch the live show last nite to see how they performed. was a little shocked and surprised to see that my friend lost. not that i was supporting or rooting for him though but at least he is my friend. not the very close kind coz he once spreaded rumours in the whole school that my friend and i were fighting with each other for him and that we liked him. i mean, hey, we only treated u as friends so aren't u thinking too much into things when i took the bus with u twice only? maybe he just needs an ego boost in school i guess. not a very popular guy back then coz of his attitude n his rather big mouth. haha. hope he's changed for the better. anyway, david yeo aka yeo chin hao (as we know him in school), all the best and sorry that u did not manage to go further. work hard in law school! diana, thanx for the comment. u have been working like a true blue permanent staff in credit doc team. always reaching early in of

perm job...

desperately need a permanent job. this pay is really not enough to keep me going for too long. kuan said that my operations manager at akltg feels that it's better for me not to apply for the job there coz there might be political issues between me n him at work. i'm ok with working there coz he doesn't affect me but they dunno what he feels. fuck him. everything is all coz him. i don't get to work at a place where i was my happiest when working n it's coz of him. this is irritating n frustrating. must start actively looking for job now. can't go on for long like this. seems like my good friends are all starting their own businesses... kuan, hus... all their entrepreneurs. i'm satisfied n contented to be an employee but honestly, i'd rather fulfil my dream to either go into the modelling, acting or singing line. definitely not in s'pore though. either hong kong or taiwan. don't think i can make it big in the western countries. haha. i can c


if anybody asks me about my sis's wedding again, i think i might just explode!!! it's her wedding, not mine!!! n anyway, i don't wanna know anything about it. i don't wanna be her emcee on that day n i'm not important at all anyway. i'm not going to be sitting at the host's table n neither was i invited to the food tasting tonite for her wedding. she already said that i'm not important or something like that so y should i care? i don't wanna be involved in it in any way. even people in the office think that i know a lot. today she brought her wedding photos to the office n everybody said that i should have seen it before. NO... that wasn't the case. i'm just as insignificant as other people. i saw the photos together with them. didn't know which was her wedding gowns coz i wasn't asked to go along with her when she tried them on. rather, yee mun her ex-colleague was there to help out. i'm only a small fry. pls direct all questi


firstly, congrats to diana coz she started her 1st day as a permanent staff today. Congratulations~ secondly, must congratulate dearest jean who finally allowed dilun to hold her hand n so they are a couple now. hehe. it's good to know that dilun managed to melt this tough gal a little. haha. jean, i'm happy for u. hope u r happy too. any problems, i'll be most willing to lend u my ear as i've always had n u've done the same for me. don't think too much n pls be more optimistic about things. not all relationships will end badly, moreover u've just started!!! y are u thinking of that anyway??? haha. congrats gal n i really hope u'll find happiness in this relationship n not end up like the previous one. :) jessie's friend found a room so... told her to help me look out for other friends who might need one. hope i get good news. i'm the only temp staff in my department now. guess going to other departments n being the errand gal will be do

fantastic dinner~

just came back from a really fantastic dinner. it's actually the 1st time that i've ever had a whole pot of shark's fin to myself. ok.. i know it's cruel to eat shark's fin but i can't resist it manz. i mean, hey, i enjoy good food n delicacies. anyway, it was really an eye-opener n delicious. couldn't really finish the whole pot though. must say thank you to tom's mother who invited me along for dinner coz she won toto worth more than $62K. never had such an experience before. :p getting a bit sick of working.. i mean, every morning i wake up i don't feel like going to work n i feel like taking the day off but i drag myself to work coz i know that if i don't go, i won't get any freaking pay. this sucks. the only motivation is the $50 a day that i can earn. sighz.. really need to find a permanent job n stop wishing that the bloody bank will offer me 1 on their own. they have denied 2 applications from my boss already. irritating... sis&

pissed off

i haven't felt so pissed with anyone like i m feeling right now. told my friend that i would be going his condo to use his gym for a while n he agreed to it n even told me that he has got a new towel at his place so i wouldn't need to bring. all was settled n i thought i could really do with some workout this time. made me wake up so early on a sunday morning, travel all the way there n perspired so much to find that the freaking gym was locked n my DUMBASS friend wasn't around. i couldn't bathe, couldn't workout n had to take a cab home coz i was perspiring so much already. what the fuck? i've decided that i shall never trust this friend again n neither will i go to his place no matter how he invites me. call me petty or anything u want but hey, i m not going to be a fool again. i felt so dumb coz i was outside my friend's place, unable to get in n walking around the place looking for the gym, only to realise that it was locked. real good workout ya? wit


didn't get the full time job at dbs in the end due to some dumb policy that states that siblings can't work in the same department of a company. but hey, come on, the dumb department is so freaking huge. well, anyway.. i don't care anymore. at most i'll have to look for another job though that might not be an easy task. boring... diana's considering if she should continue to work as temp in the same level but under someone else or should she convert to perm or if she should leave. of coz i wish that she'll stay!!! diana, i know u'll read this so stay!!!!!!!!!! haha. :P but i can't force u. the choice n decision is urs. will really miss u if u leave though. ur friendship has been priceless!!! so has melissa who will be leaving this friday!!! sighz... this is so sad... :( n also boon leong... leaving next fri. y r u guys leaving me???? sobz... hmmz.. my aunt just called. told me to send my uncle my resume for him to broadcast it out. haha. c... there


went to zouk again today.. to winebar this time. was there to celebrate the getting of results n the fact that we have finally graduated. saw my sim yr 1 crush, dave, there as well. seems like he's becoming less cute as the yrs go by. no longer interested in him since yr 2. haha. he was there with his usual group from rmit.. namely ben, alex, etc. was at winebar with wayne, victor, shaun, zijun, n tom. got to know a few people... leland n xavier. xavier is this guy who's a new n uprising artiste from channel u. he looks a lot like harlem yu but he's very westernised. guess it's coz he studied n grew up in the united states.he's quite interesting n friendly. :p quite nice to know him. my rash has been appearing quite a lot these days. it's been really itchy. makes me wanna tear the skin apart. wonder y it's suddenly popping out again when i don't think i'm suffering from any stress these days. i mean, now that results r out, there's nothing


got my results today. failed my FM again but managed to grad. thank god! never ever expected it. really thankful. it's time for me to offer my thanks n prayers now. :p i've got a new song for the moment.. crazy for u by madonna.. Swaying room as the music starts Strangers making the most of the dark Two by two their bodies become one I see you through the smoky air Can't you feel the weight of my stare You're so close but still a world away What I'm dying to say, is that I'm crazy for you Touch me once and you'll know it's true I never wanted anyone like thisIt's all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss I'm crazy for you, crazy for you Trying hard to control my heart I walk over to where you are Eye to eye we need no words at all Slowly now we begin to move Every breath I'm deeper into you Soon we two are standing still in time If you read my mind, you'll see I'm crazy for you Touch me once and you'll


went to watch fireworks again today. this is my 2nd time i'm watching it live! it's really cool n nice. the 1st time i watched it was last week with jean, eunice, esther n jean's friend. this week i watched it with my 22nd student council friends - ford, abel, beatrice n beatrice's bf wei wang. watched it from sheare's bridge this time n i sat on the railing to watch it. it was really a gorgeous sight! unblocked n beautiful. truly awesome! should watch it again when they have another fireworks display. :) olympics is finally here! at long last! i actually don't mind sacrificing my sleep just to watch swimming every nite til 1.30 or 2 am. anything to watch my favourite event n ian thorpe n michael phelps as well! hehe. they're really great swimmers. watching them swim is enough to get ur adrenaline pumping. :p work has been ok. i'm still at dbs. in a new section now known as credit documentation. got to work there for 6 mths. not really fantastic co

ending soon?

temp job might b coming to an end soon.. pretty sad coz it'll mean no more income. haha. made pretty good friends in these 2 weeks of working life. diana, melissa, lyn, raymond n boon leong - all the temp staff together with me. it's been great knowing them n having lunch with them everyday. it's like a big family kind of thing. we always play n fool around during lunch n sometimes during work when we r waiting for the files to come. haha. we're a huge bunch of noisy people.  but after temp job ends, it's back to reality.. the fact that i have to find a permanent job soon. sighz.. not easy but will definitely try harder. hopefully i can end up with a permanent job at dbs.. though not that i like the people working there n the rest of my group will b leaving after our temp job ends but more like the fact that my sis is there n she can look out for me n help me along the way. moreover, it's a big organisation in s'pore n well-recognised which might b good o


after 2 posts, i've been missing! haha. nothing much happening in my life so nothing much to write about. well, today was my 1st day at work at shenton way dbs tower 2. my sis got me a temp job at her department. pretty ok for the 1st day but the worst is yet to come. luckily i've got colleagues who r quite friendly n helpful. my supervisor, alicia, even asked if i wanted to find a permanent job there n she'll help me ask the VP tomorrow morning if i can work as a credit manager or some other post. she's real nice though 1st impression was she's quite fierce. haha. nice to work with my sis though. at least i know someone there n she can help me. hehe. so much for 1st day at work. tomorrow is when everything kicks in n start to b hectic n terrible. haha. my sis is gonna move out on aug 1.. pretty sad yet quite happy. at least when she loses her temper, i won't c it anymore. haha. but i'll definitely miss her company when i'm bored n she can talk to

1 week

time has passed so fast! it's been a week since ali came back n he left yesterday. was really sad that he had to go. i had fun the whole week he was here. we would meet up at nite for dinner, drinks n supper. the most fun was on saturday.. the nite before he left which was also jackie's bday. we had dinner at marche, made the 2 guys drink 1 litre of beer n headed down to rail mall (or is it railway mall?) for more drinks. everybody juz sat around n chatted, caught up on one another's lives n happenings around everyone else. it really felt gd. wished we can do this more often instead of once a yr when ali comes back. now.. i'm having a slight headache so i'm gonna stop writing.. time for a rest~ :p

1st day!

a brand new blog, a brand new me! this blog will b open to all to view from now on. the old blog is long gone with the wind, juz as my memories are. i had quite a nice day so far. met up with jean to view the pinnacle @ duxton. it's a condo flat n it looks nice. i won't mind staying there but i don't think my dad will even consider buying it in the 1st place. sighz.. oh well, i'm happy at the current place i'm staying at now anyway. i've got so many friends staying nearby.. such as jean (at the moment still), christine, alvin, dilun, ben.. n lots more. haha. :) chatted with alvyn, peggy's friend, online for 5 hours on thursday nite. my goodness! it's so long n it was only my 1st time talking to him. hehe. he's very fun to talk to actually, despite the 1st impression that he's shy n quiet. :P i'm thinking of going out quite often after exams, so.. hmmz.. wondering if any of my friends wanna go out n meet up, chat n juz catch up with