thanx all!!

wanna thank everybody who have made my bday so special. BIG THANK YOU goes out to everybody in the office, esp my dept people.

as promised in the earlier blog, i cried in the office today. it was touching n the 1st time i ever had so many people celebrating my bday for me. had mixed feelings coz it's my last n yet it's my bday. couldn't control the tears. special thanks goes out to Lin, Diana & Melissa who put everything together. thank u so much for all the fun time!!! will definitely miss u all.

everything was beautiful but some asshole had to spoil it for me in the office. accused me of stealing other people's bday cake n cutting it. felt like scolding him n making it into a big thing since it was my last day anyway. was stopped by everyone but i'll never forgive that bastard. never ever. i'll curse him everyday til he fucking die manz. trust me.

anyway, enough of that asshole. i still didn't get what i've always wanted on my bday from my bf. i don't want to say what it is coz it won't be special anymore. hehe. muz keep it a secret. something that i find very romantic for a guy to do. but it's ok. :p

disappointed that some of my friends still haven't wish me a happy bday til now. some of them r actually people whom i expect them to remember yet... well.. i guess this juz proves to be who r friends with a heart who can remember me. will c how things go by tonite. even if people forget, i won't take it to heart. have learnt to let go. :)

tsunami has caused a lot of sadness in everyone. i can even cry juz by reading newspaper articles on some of the events that happened. getting very emotional these days. sighz... natural disasters can really be a test on people. wonder y george bush can't treasure human lives when there already r natural disasters to take people's lives. stupid idiot who only knows how to take revenge n cause wars. duhz. juz hope that life can still go on for everyone in asia n affected countries as soon as possible.

my favourite quotation as always: life is short. enjoy while u can coz u never know what may happen the next minute. treasure what u have.. friends, family, etc. don't regret any decisions u have made n live life to the fullest. that has always been my philospohy in life n it will always be. stay happy, sweet n cheerful one n all! all the best in the upcoming year!!! *MUACKZ*


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