pissed off

i haven't felt so pissed with anyone like i m feeling right now. told my friend that i would be going his condo to use his gym for a while n he agreed to it n even told me that he has got a new towel at his place so i wouldn't need to bring. all was settled n i thought i could really do with some workout this time. made me wake up so early on a sunday morning, travel all the way there n perspired so much to find that the freaking gym was locked n my DUMBASS friend wasn't around. i couldn't bathe, couldn't workout n had to take a cab home coz i was perspiring so much already. what the fuck?

i've decided that i shall never trust this friend again n neither will i go to his place no matter how he invites me. call me petty or anything u want but hey, i m not going to be a fool again. i felt so dumb coz i was outside my friend's place, unable to get in n walking around the place looking for the gym, only to realise that it was locked. real good workout ya? with all that perspiration. how can it not be good? except that i was carrying a huge bag, perspiring so much n acting like some thief who can't get in to my friend's place. it's been a long time since i was truly pissed with someone. now i m. i called my friend 4 or 5 times before that asshole answered the phone only to say 'oh' when i told him i'm stuck outside his place. got so angry that i juz hung up the phone on him.

knowing how egoistic my friend can be, i can forget about getting an apology from him. but this will also mean that i will never ever forgive him. so.. it's kudos to our friendship unless i get an apology or unless he proves himself wrong. even though the book i'm reading is called 'magic of forgiveness', it's not easy to forgive him. so good luck to him from now on. but i think he'll lose all his friends soon.. not that he has many anyway.


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