
after 2 posts, i've been missing! haha. nothing much happening in my life so nothing much to write about.

well, today was my 1st day at work at shenton way dbs tower 2. my sis got me a temp job at her department. pretty ok for the 1st day but the worst is yet to come. luckily i've got colleagues who r quite friendly n helpful. my supervisor, alicia, even asked if i wanted to find a permanent job there n she'll help me ask the VP tomorrow morning if i can work as a credit manager or some other post. she's real nice though 1st impression was she's quite fierce. haha. nice to work with my sis though. at least i know someone there n she can help me. hehe. so much for 1st day at work. tomorrow is when everything kicks in n start to b hectic n terrible. haha.

my sis is gonna move out on aug 1.. pretty sad yet quite happy. at least when she loses her temper, i won't c it anymore. haha. but i'll definitely miss her company when i'm bored n she can talk to me. sighz.. so contradicting n ironic..

jean's back from cambodia~!!! at long last!! but she's down with fever. haha. that silly gal.. came back on saturday n went to nuh to visit her friend who is down with dengue fever, then to holland v to meet her friends n started eating junk food. no wonder she's sick.. but as she said, she was deprived of junk food when she was there. haha.

well, this paragraph is to anne marie!! i'm not dead!!!!!!! alive n kicking ya? haha. i'm supposed to let u know if i'm still surviving so if u c this blog, yes i'm still surviving!!! haha. hope ur work is ok n that u r surviving too. n hopefully, i can find a permanent job too!!!

hmmz.. mayb i shall go for cf class with my sis tomorrow.. go n disturb william tan. haha. will c how since i might b meeting mark for dinner. gotta wait for him to confirm. if not, i shall b a gd gal n go home. depends on my mood~. :p


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