1st day!

a brand new blog, a brand new me! this blog will b open to all to view from now on. the old blog is long gone with the wind, juz as my memories are.

i had quite a nice day so far. met up with jean to view the pinnacle @ duxton. it's a condo flat n it looks nice. i won't mind staying there but i don't think my dad will even consider buying it in the 1st place. sighz.. oh well, i'm happy at the current place i'm staying at now anyway. i've got so many friends staying nearby.. such as jean (at the moment still), christine, alvin, dilun, ben.. n lots more. haha. :)

chatted with alvyn, peggy's friend, online for 5 hours on thursday nite. my goodness! it's so long n it was only my 1st time talking to him. hehe. he's very fun to talk to actually, despite the 1st impression that he's shy n quiet. :P

i'm thinking of going out quite often after exams, so.. hmmz.. wondering if any of my friends wanna go out n meet up, chat n juz catch up with one another on our lives. hey, whoever wanna ask me out, juz ask coz i'll b so free! haha. k.. til then.. take care all~


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