happy bday josh~!

stupid laptop is having some problems. keeps telling me operating system not found when i try to on it. i've to keep trying so many times before it works. sickening!! think i'll have to send it for repairs soon.

had eb town hall on thurs nite. was quite enjoyable but spoiled by some dumbass that we all hate at work. well, let's not talk about stupid people like him. it was quite fun.. food's alright.. pretty nice. participated in some games n had fun myself. haha. :p

couldn't wake up for work on yesterday. was simply too sleepy. hehe. got pissed off during the day by the new company that i'm supposed to be working at soon. audit manager was late to sign the appointment letter with me last week but i waited for her for half an hour. she told me that there would be training for me this saturday n the following 2 saturdays n that she would make it a half day affair so that it won't be too strenuous. she didn't tell me the time though.

so i called her from 10am onwards til 2 pm n people who answered the calls juz told me that she wasn't at her desk. they told me to leave a message n that they would get her to call me back. but by the time it was 3, i called again n was informed that she was on mc. some guy answered the call and i asked him for her handphone no. he told me that he doesn't know her handphone no. but he would help me ask around n told me to call back 15 mins later. 1 thing that i forgot was to ask for his name. so i called again at 3.20 n some lady (either from china or indonesia judging from her command of english n her accent) told me that there r no such guy in the company.

patiently i told her that i needed the audit manager's handphone no. n she told me that she doesn't have it. i asked her nicely to help me ask her colleagues n nobody revealed anything. she asked who i was n which company i was from. told her my name n that i was suppsoed to have some training the next day (today) by the manager which was the reason y i needed to look for her urgently. she checked with some people in the background n told me that they weren't aware of any training held by the audit manager.

in the end, the call was answered by the owner of the company aka the boss. i asked him for the audit manager's handphone no. again n he was rather reluctant to give it to me. he asked me y i was looking for her n i told him the reason. he asked me who i was n i told him my name n that i'm gonna be an employee in his company soon. he asked me what post m i supposed to be working as n i told him that i'm joining his firm as an audit assistant. he sounded pretty shocked.. sort of like he didn't know that his firm had hired an audit assistant. i got a bit pissed n asked him for the audit manager's handphone no. again. he gave the no. to me (which is wrong coz the no's been engaged the whole day) n told me that there would be a training session for the staff there tomorrow n that i could attend it. the bloody training's at 1pm n i don't even know if it's the one i'm supposed to attend.

if the audit manager's still not in the office tomorrow n i still can't get her on the phone, i'm definitely not going for the training. nobody's gonna miss me anyway. they don't even know who the hell i m n that i'm gonna join their company! what the fuck!!! irresponsible manager n a totally screwed up company!!! totally pissed me off!!

anyway, thank god i met up with the sim guys group at nite to celebrate joshua's bday. i didn't drink much though the guys did. haha. sat around chatting, having fun n catching up on one another's lives. very enjoyable. josh kept drinking non-stop so he couldn't really stand straight after that. hehe. but i really had fun n forgot about stupid training stuff. think s'pore is really small coz i saw my cousin at ice cold beer as well!!! she was there with her friend. so coincidental. told her the incident about the stupid company n that i'll call her to ask her on her opinion of what to do later on. still pissed about it. haha.

according to josh n joe khoo, 'don't get maggie to be the gf even if there aren't any gals around in the world'. haha. finding it quite true. sometimes i wonder what the hell m i doing with my life n i know i'm a terrible gf. haha. dominating, domineering, stubborn (heard it so many times!), unreasonable (heard it recently), not understanding (heard it most esp from someone whom many close friends will know who), etc. everytime my bf n i break up, i hear so many different adjectives used. it takes 2 hands to clap but i'm always the villain. i wonder y..

think i should go sleep soon. thinking too much into things. haha. still hesitating n considering if i should go for the stupid training or not. by 12pm, if i still can't get the audit manager, i'm not attending it. if she calls me to ask y, i'll tell her that it's her own fault for being so irresponsible. she can fire me for all i care. that's it. that's my final decision.


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