reality shows

watched singapore idol results on tv today though i forgot to watch the live show last nite to see how they performed. was a little shocked and surprised to see that my friend lost. not that i was supporting or rooting for him though but at least he is my friend. not the very close kind coz he once spreaded rumours in the whole school that my friend and i were fighting with each other for him and that we liked him. i mean, hey, we only treated u as friends so aren't u thinking too much into things when i took the bus with u twice only? maybe he just needs an ego boost in school i guess. not a very popular guy back then coz of his attitude n his rather big mouth. haha. hope he's changed for the better. anyway, david yeo aka yeo chin hao (as we know him in school), all the best and sorry that u did not manage to go further. work hard in law school!

diana, thanx for the comment. u have been working like a true blue permanent staff in credit doc team. always reaching early in office and leaving late. haha. no sense of time anymore to go for lunch and to go home from work. working so hard~

been feeling so tired and sleepy.. lethargic. i missed survivor though gthe tv was on! shucks.

let's do a review on reality shows since everybody says i'm a reality show freak. haha.

1) Show Title: Amazing Race
Feelings: Stumbled on this show by accident after watching survivor 1 or 2 years back. This is 1 good reality show coz it's so real and the contestants get to travel all around the world for free. It's exciting coz u never know who gets kicked out in the end as things may happen along the way. Some pairs squabble throughout the whole race and yet emerged winners or end up being closer or getting married. My fave pairs so far are still derek and drew coz they're cute, the couple in the same season as them who got kicked out in the s'pore league but i forgot their names but they were so loving and sweet to each other throughout. Personally, i like teams who play the game with integrity and not lie or make use of other teams so that they can win. The ending for each team that gets eliminated is always quite touching and some have brought me to tears especially the charla and mirna episode. charla is a real cool gal and she's really proved lots of people wrong. well done.

2) Show Title: Survivor
Feelings: Started watching this show only in season 2 coz kuan asked me to watch. We used to watch the show over the phone together and discuss the show during advertisements. Haha. Used to think that the show is kinda dumb coz i simply don't understand why people wanna go through the torture of being in some island with no food and water although it IS a good way of experiencing another kind of life. But these people are doing it for the money, not the experience!!! However, i enjoy the show though i hated the guyh who lied about his grandma passing away so that he could win the reward challenge. No point remembering such a person's name. To outwit, outplay and outlast others, lies are not necessarily needed. Play a game with integrity!! The couple in the all reward season were the most unexpected ones to last til the end. Saw it right from the day the 2 got together that they would end up being the final 2. Nevertheless, this is still a pretty nice reality show to watch, especially for the host who's so cute!!

3) Show Title: America's next top model
Feelings: Season 1 was pretty good. This season is horrible! have only watched 1 episode so far and i feel so turned off already. I mean, some of the gals... U call them models? God!!! Most of them can't even do a catwalk properly. 1 of them even walked til so ugly that i was really disgusted. To me, she's not pretty, doesn't dress up well, always wearing her very old fashioned specs and tying her hair all up when her face is so long really makes it worse. The next episode will be when they have a makeover with their hair so i wanna watch the difference. 1 thing i don't understand is, why do these gals get upset over a haircut or dye or whatsoever. I mean, come on, to be a model, u've got to sacrifice. The hair will grow back anyway so why make a big fuss out of it? Duhz...

4) Show Title: American Idol/Singapore Idol
Feelings: Americal idol is a real hit and success. Missed the 1st season as well but i can't remember why. Started watching the 2nd season when it was the 10 finalists. Saw clay aiken then and felt that he was quite good. Still think that he's better than ruben studdard though. As for season 3, i only liked 1 singer and felt that she was really fantastic. Latoya londons. Her voice is really good and powerful. As for fantasia barrino, somehow i feel that her voice has a bit of whining sound in it. doesn't really appeal to me.
Singapore idol.. doesn't really bother watching it except to see how my friends did.. shirin and david yeo. Shirin was in the semis but didn't make it to the finals. david lost tonite so i guess i won't bother watching the show anymore. The singapore version of the show simply doesn't appeal to me at all. Feels that the voting doesn't seem very fair. Singapore is so small so basically, if u have a lot of friends and relatives, i'm sure u can go quite far in this show. American idol is more real coz the country has so many states and so many people watch the show that they can have millions of calls. Furthermore, how far can a Singapore idol go? The english singing market is saturated with so many singers far better than what our idol finalists can do. Simply compare Singapore and America idol and u can see the difference straight away. Besides, how many chinese singers have done well and gone far in the english market? Coco lee.. she doesn't seem to be doing too well now. Sun ho.. she's doing well now but it's coz she's doing dance tracks. So... Pretty pointless, aint it?

5) Show Title: The bachelor/bachelorette
Feelings: Love this show!!! Don't ask why. Think it's just a gal's thing especially the story about trista and ryan. Picked ryan out right from the beginning coz he's just so sweet!!! How many guys can be so romantic?? Gosh.. he's truly 1 fantastic guy and the kind that most gals will want. All my gal friends and i watched their wedding and we were all in awe and jealous. They are just so matching and feels so right together!!! All the best to those 2~!

the above are 5 that i never fail to catch. can't remember what other reality shows i watch but the new ones coming out now... i can't be bothered. some are simply too dumb like the swan, makeover show, the one whose kids are helping the dad look for a girlfriend off the streets, etc... eewwww... come on, have some better shows~

k.. it's time for bed... i'm so tired.. *yawnz*


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