job at last~

finally found a perm job.. at long last! pay's not fantastic, lunch hr is only 45 mins instead of the usual 1 hr, but hey, at least it's a start i guess. juz hope that my colleagues r nice n friendly, n most importantly, pple who have fun. i don't think i'll enjoy working at a place with a very serious working environment n there's no fun n laughter at all. it'll be terrible! will c how it goes when i start work there.

finding a new job is gd.. but it also means that i'll have to leave the place that i'm at now. i've had so much fun working here n getting to know so many great pple. i'll really miss them all, esp mel n diana (the 2 blur ones who have really made me laugh on so many occasions. without them, life in dbs wouldn't have been so much fun), jessie (who has taught me so much n even treated us to dinner), ivy n rachel (the 2 who r forever stressed out but yet can joke n fun), priscillia (who's like a real mum), cheryl (the young n forever chirpy gal), CMs carrie, suh jiuan, chin ching, timothy, CSOs wendy, kim fong, jenny kee, Registry albert, rahman, jenny heng. So many people that i will miss.. sighz...

went to attend a church wedding of someone i didn't know yesterday. y did trista n ryan's church wedding look so good n the people attending not have to stand n sit so many times but yesterday's church wedding had to? hmmz.. the priest/pastor talked quite a bit of nonsense n i got so bored that i felt like sleeping. my god~ the only thing that was interesting weas to c how many people went up to Singapore Idol finalist, Christopher, for signature. haha. honestly speaking, he's pretty short for a guy.. or m i juz too tall?? haha. no insults meant!

got to help my dad get his specs fixed later in the afternoon. no idea how he used his specs. the screw cxame off n i'm the one who has to bring it to be fixed. damn! what business is it of mine anyway? bloody hell. woke me up at freaking 6.30 in the morning on a sunday. shitified!


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