Simple Things/Reasons to Make Me Smile

Some simple things/reasons that made my very very gloomy day today brighter:

(1) An sms in the early morning from my mentor (shifu), Cavin, with words of encouragement for me.

(2) The young boy (I think he's 2 or 3 years old) whom I see every morning at the bus stop while picking my aunt up called me "Jie Jie aka elder sis" today. Normally when I wave bye bye to him, he'll either be shy or not bother. For once today, he actually greeted me and wanted me to wave bye bye to him. :)

(3) An afternoon nap at my desk during lunch time.

(4) Care and concern from my colleagues. Mel allowed me to go off early but I didn't want to. I think the best comment I had today was from my other mentor, Mahesh aka Mr M. He asked if I was not feeling well and if I needed him to back up for me. Told him I was tired. He said, "I don't like to see you like that. You must come in to work tomorrow and smile k?" It was nice to know that some of my colleagues do care. :p Touched.. Felix gave me a colour printed copy of my dog last time - Cookie. Thanks Felix! I miss my Cookie..

(5) Dinner with my close friends, Bee & Felix, both of whom made me smile and laugh so much during dinner that I felt normal again. Such gatherings will be rare to come by in future but I do hope that we will still be close. Like how Bee's hubby answered her, we will always be close friends no matter what.

(6) The minute I logged on to MSN, Meng messaged me with a hug. It was a nice act. Thanx bro! Same goes to Khim and Hongwei papa. Thanx Thanx!

I have cleared all the soft toys from my office desk and brought them home, including some of the pics on my desk previously. My desk looks so clean and empty now. Think quite a number of people have noticed the change in me today, esp my desk.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is my trip to Sydney. I'm dreading Xmas and my bday though.. Wish those 2 periods won't come.. Not worth looking forward to.. Can't wait for my Hong Kong trip in Feb as well. I wish I can stay overseas forever and never come back.. Sighz..


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