Side Effects of Alcohol

Think I really drank way too much, way too fast last nite.. Or rather this morning. Puked really many times.. So much so that I actually nearly fell asleep by my toilet bowl. Thankfully I have my own personal toilet. Was puking til this morning.. Woke up and drank barley coz I was having such a bad throat and I puked all out. Never experienced this before.

Will cut down on drinking.. Was very unhappy last nite and from 3am to 5am, all I wanted was to be drunk. Being drunk allows the tears to flow freely. It's like side effect and I badly needed to cry it out. So many things running through my mind.. None are really happy. Sighz..

I think I like surprises, not shocks. So far, not many people have given me nice surprises before. Oh, I remember one.. My bday last year where Lynn, Ya Ya and Felix came back to office to celebrate my bday for me. That was memorable. :) That's the kind of surprises I like.

Anyway, I've decided to focus and concentrate on work once again. It's back to work on Monday. Will have lots of mails to clear and stuff. Gotta prepare my presentation slides for internal training as well. Things to keep me preoccupied again and not let my mind go wandering. Career is of the utmost importance in my life now.

Shall write all about my Egypt trip tomorrow when my brain is functioning more clearly. I'm still having side effects of being unable to focus right now from all that alcohol.


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