Contented 'Lil Gal - Can't stop smiling (Part 3)

Have been groggy for past few days since Fri. Rushed home to see the doctor opposite my house due to some rash on my face that caused my cheeks to be swollen and red. Didn't wanna see the doctor downstairs and the doctor opposite my house is more friendly anyway. Hehe. The medicine and cream that he prescribed was effective!! The only sad fact is that I can't drink alcohol (Omigod!!), can't take seafood and egg. That's simply taking my life. Haha. My face looks pretty much back to normal now, thank god! Was worried for so long that I'd be disfigured. Hehe. :p

Mel and Edmund gor allowed me to take flexi Fri so that I could leave early (at 5pm) as I took medicine and didn't take medical leave. In the end, I could only leave office at 6.45pm.. Simply too much work to clear or maybe coz my brain wasn't functioning properly and efficiently due to medication hence I was slower in my work. Haha. Rushed down to DF to watch the live unplugged performance while watching for Bee to finish work.

But there was a jam at the exit ECP leading to VivoCity. Sighz... Wasted 15 mins there and I could only catch the last 2 songs being sung - 1 by Yutaki & the other by Skye. Throughout the time, Yutaki didn't notice me. Wanted to go to the toilet after they had finished but saw that they were still on stage and I stood at the path leading to the toilet watching them. Hehe. Coincidentally, they came off the stage from the stairs beside the toilet instead of their normal route. As he was talking to Skye, I thought he didn't see me when he walked past me. However, he seemed to have noticed me coz he suddenly turned back and waved and said hi to me!!! So so happy!!!! Yay!! :-))))

After which, we picked Bee up from work, then picked my sis and bro-in-law to have dinner together at Geylang. Then we went to Chinatown for KTV. Took my medicine at the KTV and soon after, I fell asleep there for a while. Haha. Knocked out so easily these days...

Yesterday, we went to Tao's Restaurant for lunch to celebrate Aunt Michelle's bday. Woke up late and still could not shake off the drowsiness. Sighz.. Went to my sis's (Peg) place with Alvin and Aunt Margaret as they wanted to play mahjong. The minute I reached Peg's place, I slept at her living room couch. Happily slept til 5pm while they played mahjong. Haha. Then I was woken up to take over from my sis. Won $64 that day and treated them to dinner. :) Came home to sleep immediately after dinner.

Woke up at 9am to visit grandma today and to pray to my mummy with my sis, bro-in-law and his mum. Had to tag along while my bro-in-law and his mum went to pray to his dad. I didn't mind coz when his dad passed away, I wasn't able to attend the wake as I was in Shanghai for work. Only right for me to pay my respects to him now that I am back. Went to feed the tortoises after paying my respects. Something about feeding the tortoises.. It always give me peace and serenity. Memories of the past started coming back to me.. How I used to do all the above today with Tom for the past 3 years.. How much we enjoyed feeding the tortoises.. The times we went to pray to my mummy... Sighz..

Came home, bathed and met Khim for lunch at Borders and had coffee at Coffee Bean there. Khim gave me a Nike cap! Hehe. Thanx Khim! Sat there to watch the big screen at Lido and people watch for a while before he went for golf and I came home.. To sleep. Hehe. Slept from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. The medicine really can knock me out for long periods of time. :p But it sure feels good to sleep... I'm a pig in disguise!! Hahahaha.


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