Lions for Lambs

I know I have yet to update on my Egypt trip. Will do so when the pics have been uploaded. Sorry for the delay.

Watched "Lions for Lambs" today. It's a very good show which makes u think about a lot of things. What the show said is very true and real. It's meaningful! There were quite a few lines in the movie that I'd like to quote and share, "Tried but failed or failed to try" and "When u step into adulthood, the decisions u made are made by urself. No matter what happens, that decision had been urs".

What was good in the movie is not only the things they say but also the plot of the show. It truly showed the situations about war, why they were started. If what the show said is true, then I simply despise the US government. There are actually too many things to discuss about the show. I think I'll buy the disc for the show when it is out and watch it again. Then maybe blog about it in a more detailed manner. It's a very good topic to think about and discuss. :)

And to Felix, I no longer wanna hear about ur decision to change jobs. As the above quote says, it is ur future. Do whatever u want. I don't care anymore. Why should I anyway? As your friend, I've said whatever I can.

Went to Music Dreamer's Cafe for the 1st time just now. Some of the singers are not bad. The only thing I didn't like about the place is that there was a very strong smell of oil and fried food. Smelt it the whole 3 hours that I was there. Made me feel oily too. Haha.

Seems like everybody thought I would be at Dave's pub today. Haha. Am I so predictable? No.. I didn't go there today. :p Amazing ya? Hehe.

So many things to say but feeling sleepy already. :D

Oh ya, I'm going Sydney from 8 Dec to 16 Dec! YAY!!!


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