Contented 'Lil Gal - Can't stop smiling (Part 4)

Guess from the topic of my subject, everybody will know what I'm gonna write about. Yes!! The same topic! Haha.

DF today again. Was another great nite. Haven't lost my temper since Monday. Yes, Monday I was soooo down but from then on, I've moved on. No matter how pissed I am at work, I have not lost my temper at all. Learning to keep it under control and to be more patient. Hehe. K.. Back to the topic..

Was there at about 8pm. Ordered food and drinks and chatted with 1 of the waiters for a while for fun. Haha. Was so boring and quiet when we reached so just disturbed the waiter. :p 8.30pm and the singers came on stage. I had already written the same song list as per last week coz Yutaki did not sing any of the songs I dedicated last week. :p Drew the same pig, a few faces and wrote the words "Dragonfly" on the back of the serviette. :)

Yutaki saw me from the stage even before the lights were lit and he waved and said hi to me from the stage. Was already so pleased then. He remembers me! Haha. Passed him the song list and he sang 好心好报 which I like a lot. At the end of the song, he even said thank you to me for choosing that song. Hehe.

And the most amazing thing happened after the set was over. He came down stage and I thought he was going to go back to the room where they practise upstairs. But, he came to our table!!! And he started chatted with us!!!

Yutaki: Eh, you still remember that I owe you the songs. I didn't remember til I saw your note. [呃,你还记得我欠你的歌啊?我都忘了。]

Me (starting to blush): Err.. Of coz..
[Err.. 对啊]

Yutaki: What time did you guys come?

Me: Err.. Around 7.45pm or 8pm like that. Felix, what time we reach huh?
[Err.. 大概7.45 到8点之间吧。Felix,我们几点到的?]

Felix: Around 8pm

Yutaki: Oh.. You guys came together?

Felix: Ya.. We came after work..

(I was blushing in the background and can't stop staring and smiling)

Yutaki: Oh.. Ok.. K.. I go up 1st. C u guys later for the next performance ok?

Me: Sure! Cya later!
[好啊!Bye Bye!]

That was the highlight of the whole evening! Conversation was done in Chinese but I've translated into English as well. Hehe. Can you imagine my happiness? Throughout the whole conversation, I saw that a lot of the other tables were staring at us. Didn't care much coz I was too busy concentrating on my conversation with Yutaki. Hehe. Til now, I still can't believe that he came up to our table and talked to us! OMIGOD!!! I talked to my idol!!! Ahh.. So gonna faint. Hehe. I can't stop smiling! :))))

K.. More updates besides Yutaki. Hehe. I know I can't stop gushing about him. So sorry...

Had my 1st conference call regarding the project that I'm handling now. Felt like I was the only small fry in the call. The rest of the people were all Senior Country Operation Officers.. All MD level and above.. Scary! Didn't say anything throughout the conference. Only heard dribs and drabs coz my daily processing had some problems. :p

Then I had a 3 hour lunch meeting. For the 1st time in meetings, I actually voiced out a lot of my opinions. Nobody wanted to talk much and I knew we won't end the meeting til things were being discussed. Haha. Felt so courageous suddenly. :)

Boss talked to me after the meeting. Gave me a shock when he kept me in suspense while he went for another meeting before talking to me. He told me that the unit heads including my big boss (the Senior Country Operation Officer) had unanimously agreed that I should be the Staff Event Committee Leader.. My goodness! There I was thinking of stepping down from the committee totally and now, I've been made leader! Sighz.. I've been in this committee since I joined the bank.. It's been that long..

Well, guess that adds more on the plate for me. I know everybody says that it's good for my profile and stuff. Too high a profile might not be a good thing at times as well. Will I even be recognised for my hardwork? I wonder..

Oh ya.. Got this quote off Adrian's blog. It's meaningful so I copied it and pasted in my own blog. Enjoy it!

"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings." - Anais Nin

K.. Time to remove my contact lens and rest early. Such a good mood now. I'm floating in the air! Hehe. :)


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