For Anne and Irvin

Most important thing in today's blog is to say a big CONGRATS to Anne and Irvin. I'm truly happy for the 2 of you. Irvin has finally proposed to one of my dearest gal friend, Anne. Blessings to the 2 of them. Can't wait for their wedding though Sonia and Stanley's wedding should come before that. So far, Justin's wedding is in October next year, followed by Sonia's wedding in November. Finally is Stephen's wedding in December. My goodness.. Next year I'm gonna be broke!!

Was really delighted to finally hear the good news. Could see the contentment on Anne's face when she was telling us of how Irvin proposed. It was so sweet. Seeing the 2 happy couples being so in love with each other and tying the knot makes me feel something but I dunno how to describe it. Everybody started asking when it will be my turn. 3 years down the road I guess.. I'm really not sure. I dunno if I'm prepared or ever will be prepared for it. I know myself too well. I'm too playful... I don't think I can settle down though at times, I wanna settle down. See, I don't even know what I want.

Something's definitely wrong with me. I don't know what I want in my career, in my life. I don't even know what to do with myself sometimes. I don't remember myself being like that before. I used to be independent and know what I wanted. Was it coz of my previous relationship that I've changed? I need to have a mind of my own again.

Anyway, back to the topic. Wedding is absolutely a long way away for me. For now, I'll just happily attend other people's weddings and be happy for them. Along the way, I'll just wait for the day.. For my turn to be a pretty and beautiful bride, to be someone else's wife and to stay with the person I truly love. To look after and take care of the man in my life. I will wait.. With an open heart and mind.


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