
Have been wanting to blog about this for a week now but somehow it always slips my mind while I blog.

Last Monday (12 Dec), I waited for Tom after work at MacDonald's as I ended at 7pm and he had to finish up his work. I was bored coz I wasn't expecting to wait for him for so long coz we were supposed to meet his parents and sister for dinner to celebrate his bday. I reached MacDonald's and chose an outside table to be nearer the queue for cabs, facing the inside of MacDonald's.

Eventually I became bored as I didn't bring my novel to work that day. Started playing one of the handphone games that I downloaded quite a long time ago. Was playing for about half an hour til I got sick of the game. Wanted to rest my eyes as well. Ended the game and simply sat there, looking at people and daydreaming.

When I looked up from my handphone, I caught a glance of a little gal smiling at me. Surprised, I looked at the little gal again and saw her looking at me intently. I think I must be looking really bored coz she flashed me a very bright and charming smile again. The effect was almost instantaneous. I smiled back at her and that smile simply brightened my wait there. I felt so much better after seeing the gal smile at me. The feeling was like seeing a bright and twinkling star in the middle of an endlessly dark sky. That was how it seemed to me at that moment.

Up til today, I still think of that 'lil gal and how her smile managed to make a gloomy and bored person feel special. No wonder there's the phrase,"Smile and the world smiles with you." It's amazing that a simple 'lil smile can make another person happy. Wouldn't the world be a better and nicer place to live in if everybody could just give someone else a smile? The joy of a simple smile.

How I wish smiles are contagious.. Things always seem better if you can talk to someone with a smile on your face. Even if you smile while you are talking on the phone, the other party can sense it. I've tried that before and it works. At least it makes your tone of voice sound chirpier and happier. It all starts with.. a SMILE. :)


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