1 more week..

Didn't blog last night coz I was too tired. So here I am, blogging now. :)

Forgot whether it was Wednesday or Thursday that D asked me why I have got so much to blog. I thought hard about that question and I knew why. I'm someone who likes to wonder about things and ask questions. A simple sentence can set me thinking about associated stuff or similar events that might have happened. But most importanly is that I love to write and express myself. I actually have a personal diary which has my darkest secrets and I only write in it when I have thoughts that I don't want to share with others. :p

Was looking through my sms-es on Firday morning and saw a message from Diana last year wishing me a Happy Birthday and a pleasant 2005 ahead. That made me think back on things that have happened throughout the year. Here goes:

2005 marks the year where I started working as a permanent staff. The first day of work at the audit company was horrible. I reported for work at 9am sharp and went through an hour and a half of my big boss, Mr Chan, screaming at the other employees. That certainly put me off and I knew I had to leave this company. After 1 week of work, I told my boss Mr Quek that I wanted to resign. He persuaded me to stay on for 3 months and reassured me that if I wanted to leave, he will let me go.

So, to cut the long story short, I tended my resignation on the second last week of April. There was a huge hoo-ha about it but eventually, I got what I wanted - To leave that dreaded place. The price to pay was $3,750. You can read more about the hoo-ha here. The most important thing was I'm free to leave for greener pastures.

I joined Citibank on May 9. The beginning was tough as I had to learn stuff and didn't have much work to do. I was even admitted to the hospital in June. It was my very first time being hospitalised and trust me when I felt scared. Nobody knew what was wrong with me. I had more injections than I ever had in my life. It wasn't a good feeling. The worst part, doctors had to put their finger into my anus a couple of times to test goodness knows what and I had liquid pumped into my anus as well. The feeling was.. BAD! It felt like I was peeing into my pants uncontrollably. Haha. Anyway, I shall spare the details.

Went back to work even though I was still on MC as I felt ok. Everything was getting better. Work and stuff. Had some problems here and there and was accused several times for things that I didn't do, but things have changed. I know how to get myself out of trouble and I'm thinking of ways and means to solve issues. I'm starting to enjoy my job. Overall, I should say that this year has been good.

What I have wrote above is pretty general and only the main things. Below is a list in point form of my whole year:

1. I joined the wrong company - the audit one.
2. The quarrel with that company (But on the bright side, I learnt to be smarter).
3. I was hospitalised for the very first time.
4. The accusations by my supervisor and her shirking responsiblity when things happen (On the bright side again, I've learnt to handle things without her stepping in).
5. My handphone is spoilt.
6. I haven't gone to the beach for tanning at all this year (I always go at night).
7. I haven't had time to watch a single local production show on TV.
8. Stupid Mr Chan from audit company fired 2 of my good friends working there using some lousy excuse.
9. I worked til almost 12 midnight for the first time.
10. I haven't received flowers for almost 2 years now.

1. I'm happy working where I am right now.
2. I've made many fantastic friends from my current workplace (even though some have left the company) and that includes you, D.
3. My trip to Bangkok with Ali, Anne, Irvin and Stef. It was also my first trip overseas without my family.
4. I won an award for Performance Excellence (Team award but I wrote the proposal with D's help), an award for Best Floor Plan design for our office move (I thought of the design and Yating drew it but we split the prize with our department), and I recently won the award at our D&D for Best Dressed - J-pop genre (Also kudos to D for helping).
5. My boss has praised me several times and I'm very happy about it.
6. I managed to handle some projects and I'm working well with my vendors.
7. I went clubbing quite a number of times this year (ever since I started working here).
8. I got a new digicam as my bday present from my dear.
9. I'm earning better pay than I used to.
10. I have insured every part of me today so my family and my boy will be secure if anything happens to me.
11. I have made my working area at work very cosy and I don't mind going to work coz I feel right at home at my desk.
12. I was praised by my company's Technology people for helping to solve problems.
13. D has praised me many times.
14. I saw a shooting star for the first time! But I forgot to make a wish.
15. I managed to exercise for a month or so in April coz I haven't exercised in years.
16. I am enjoying every minute of my life and I'm a happy girl who is satisfied with life.
17. I will be staying at Fullerton next weekend with my beloved!!
18. I am still happily in love with my baby and it's been almost 2 years. It's my longest relationship thus far, so baby, you should be proud of yourself!

I think that's about it. Not sure what else I can add coz I'm starting to feel tired again. Woke up at 5.30am coz I had a nightmare and I slept at 1+ in the morning. I definitely lack sleep. Anyway, there's still another 3 more weeks til the end of the year. Let's see what else I can add in when the time comes. :)

oh, and Ali, I haven't talked to you for a few weeks already! Sighz.. Are you coming back to Singapore???


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