9 more days..

From the title of my blog, it can be seen that I have changed the date for my stay at Fullerton. Yes, I've sent them an email telling them to change the date to 10th December instead. Now I can only hope that they have rooms on that day.

Nothing much to blog about actually. Have been busy and hectic at work that I'm leaving office at about 8pm every night with work still undone. No choice. Can't seem to finish. Sighz..

Still suffering from weird sleeping situations. I've been waking at 4am. These 2 days are slightly better. Woke up at 6am yesterday and when I finally managed to fall asleep again, I dreamt that I was running 2.4km for NAFA test. You can imagine how tired I was when I woke up. Today, I woke up at 5.30am and I started sneezing continuously more than 10 times again. Sighz.. Couldn't sleep after that.

Something's wrong with my body system somehow. This always happens to me from time to time but it's definitely taking its toll on me. I'm looking more and more like a panda with my dark eye circles and my brain's so cluttered with work and lethargy that I haven't really had the strength to complete or rush through my work. My department's shorthanded for today and tomorrow as Carol's on leave and Joy's on MC. Sighz..

I'm trying to delete MP3s that I don't want and clearing space from my laptop as well as burning them into CDs so that I can listen in the office.

Oh ya, my D&D photos for 25 Nov can be viewed from this link:http://community.webshots.com/album/514126403gwVxNd. Some pics are not that well-taken. Can't edit coz it's not my camera. Enjoy!


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