Merry Christmas!

Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS one and all! Hope everyone had a happy and enjoyable weekend cum Christmas. :)

Today is also my 2 years' anniversary with Tom as my boyfriend. Didn't have any special event planned. We had dinner at my aunt's place yesterday and dinner at his grandma's place earlier on tonight. Just came back from his grandma's place. I always feel awkward going there. I see his relatives once a year and I don't talk to them much. Feels weird.

Anyway, this Christmas has been pretty normal. Nothing much happening. I enjoyed myself at work on Friday (23/12) coz there was lunch and games for celebration. After that, Tom and I had dinner at his club and I went to Boat Quay for drinks with my colleagues at a place called Sahara. The place was playing Indian music most of the time but it was comfortable as the seats were sofa seats. Some of my colleagues smoked shisha. It's some kind of water pipe but honestly, I don't like it at all. Haha. Definitely not my kind of thing.

Went out with my department gals on Wednesday partially as a gathering and partially to celebrate Joy's bday. Had dinner and went to her place for cheese and wine. It was an enjoyable and fun nite. Sorta like gals unwinding and let loose to relax. Took some pics but have yet to upload them. I haven't even uploaded my Fullerton stay pictures! Sighz.. Getting lazy again.

Time for me to open my presents! Then I'm probably heading to dreamland.. Always sleepy.. Haha. Merry Christmas once again!


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