1 more day!

I know I'm supposed to be happy and excited right now and I am. But at the same time, I've been thinking about the facades of life and people. Yes, I still can't get over what happened that fateful night which has caused me to lose trust and faith in certain friends. It's going to be a long road to recovery.

I've been ignoring the people who lied to me that night. And amazingly, quite a number of people have known about the problem though they are not and should not be involved in any way. It only makes me more wary of everyone coz news spread and tongues wag. It's becoming clearer and clearer to me who I can trust and who I can't. The sense of betrayal is extremely strong.

This issue has impacted me quite a bit. Everyday I see the person in my department, the things that this person does and the people whom this person talks about simply reminds me of that night. It's making it more difficult to forget and forgive. I know I have to let go of this but what I need is time. I even emailed the people whom I'm ignoring to forgive me for not talking to them but I need time to forget everything and just go back normal. It's the best that I can do.

I will still be professional and talk to them when it comes to work but when it's personal stuff, it's not gonna happen so soon. I really hope for this episode to end soon. I don't want to feel like this forever. It's a torture to myself. Pls let me forget all this crap that's happening. I just need to let go.

This weekend is definitely gonna be an enjoyable one for me coz I'm finally getting to spend quality time with my beloved. I can't wait!! I know I'll let go of everything on my mind to enjoy the next 2 days. I only wish that after this weekend of enjoyment, I can come back to work fresh and happy again. :)

Time for me to head to my baby's place where I know I will have a fantastic dinner cooked by him waiting for me. I can't wait!!! Especially for tomorrow to come!! Will update on tomorrow's events and hopefully post some pics too. YAY!!!


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