Break / Breakthrough

Today is a breakthrough for me - I actually had lunch on my own in public, that is I didn't hide in the office or at home to eat alone. I ate alone at the food court with my trusty companion aka Ipod. :) Was kinda alright. Think I might be able to get used to this idea someday.

Thanks to everyone for the concern about the blood problem. Only happened that 1 time so I am refraining from rushing to the doc. I know, I'm jus plain stubborn but I feel ok for now. I'm eating a lot and since what goes in must come out, I have been going to toilet quite a lot too. And hence, I'm hungry quite easily these days. :D I promise that I'll see a doc the minute I feel that something is not right, ok? :) Pls don't scold me!

Finally, I am having a well deserved (in my own opinion only) break! 1st trip out of Singapore (not counting KL or Malaysia coz those are not that far away!) for this year starts tonite! It's a far cry from my 5 trips per year policy but it's soooo hard to take leave together with Eeyore that I'm really starting to feel annoyed. Sigh... I love travelling and this is torturous to me! Not having any trips til now has simply drained me out.

But I can't blame him. His job is still not secured after 6 months, I was dying to change departments then and had to stick around in Singapore to wait for things to happen. I only hope that this will be the only year that I can't travel as much. I need my little breaks from work here and there to feel recharged and full of life once again!!

Saw the lovely video of Sid & Stef. Soooo sweet and lovey dovey that I'm actually envious! It's such a beautiful video of them! I'm so happy for the 2 of them - to have found each other, to be getting married and starting their lives as a married couple soon! :)

And I start wondering about my own relationship.. Trying hard not to let sad and unhappy thoughts run wild in my mind!! I'm going to Sydney with him and Peg. We should be happy on the trip. I really hope we can be happy. It seems like a long time since we've been really happy with each other. Ahhh.. Think happy thoughts!!!

7pm already?!!! I better get pack to checking my luggage and all the packing in case I miss out on anything again! I'll be back on 21 August so the next update will probably be in more than a week's time (unless I blog at airport again as usual). Haha.

Til then, take care all!


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