Porridge from the Heart

Fighting hard to overcome my gastric flu. I kept puking yesterday. Thank God I decided to stay home and rest instead of forcing myself to work coz I would have died in office. My back and head hurt sooo bad that I had to keep changing positions to make myself feel better. I ended up sleeping in a sitting position most of the time. :(

Eeyore has been cooking porridge for me these 2 days. :) It was bland but the sweetness was from the effort that he took. The fact that he knocked off at 9.30pm and rushed home to cook for me is more than enough to make me touched and happy. He's gone off to KL now.. :_(

Cher cooked dinner for me tonite. Couldn't eat the mushrooms coz the smell was too strong and it made me wanna puke. I love mushrooms.. Today, I jus couldn't do it. Sighz.. I think, I've lost al the weight that I've gained coz of the amount I vomitted and the little amounts that I ate. I really can't put on weight.. I always fall sick after that..

As Eeyore won't be around for the long weekend, he set up my Wii for me! YAY!!! I can finally play Wii!!! Provided I feel good enough to play.. I get tired easily these days.. All I do is sleep, sleep and sleep. In a way, I guess that's the best way for my body to recover.

Jus wish that I can get well asap so that I can go for the nature reserve walk as planned, and for tennis on Sun. Pls pls.. Let me get well soon..


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