Being Me!

I always say..

Words are said but meant to hurt
Promises are made only to be broken
Hearts are to love but end up being torn apart

That's me. I told myself I will not cry for u again, not ever again. Even if we were to break up, I will not cry. I have evolved. I am not a weakling. I have all along been a strong, independent person. I do not need another man in my life before I can let go of my feelings or to even mention break up. No, there's not me. And right now, at this instant, I am still me.

Trip to Hua Hin cancelled. I don't care and I won't give a damn. I need to have my own life back. I need to live it the way I know it and the way I like it. I have always been a happy-go-lucky girl where sadness only lasts 1 day. And yes, I am back to that state. It only lasted a day.

I was crazy in & out of office the whole day. If I didn't say it, no one would know that I was even remotely unhappy. That's me. Always has been, always will be. Mahesh kept making me laugh but probably coz I went crazy with him 1st. Nevertheless, he put a huge smile on my face today and I'm grateful for that.

I will enjoy myself at Desaru tomorrow. I have my very friendly and fun-loving colleagues. I have my friends who are always there for me. There's nothing to be sad about. Saw an email before that everyone was born in the world crying. But I think all parents will wanna see their kids happy when they're outgrown the crying stage. And so, I know I will not disappoint my parents. I will live my life happily. :)

Too much to look forward to in life. Like Meng say, I'm a wild girl by nature. Never a meek person with a quiet, shy nature. That's me then, that's me now. Always, forever. Nothing's gonna get me down.


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