Happy Bday Eeyore!

1st and foremost, I've gotta wish Eeyore a happy bday! :) It's his bday today and we've been spending time the whole week together, be it dinner after work or simply heading home together.

As Hua Hin was postponed, I really had no idea what to do for his bday. My surprise for his bday gift was spoilt when he purposely ended work early to meet me on Thurs. :( Bought him Shure SE210 earphones and music adapter to be used on his iPhone. Actually, it's coz I lost them when he bought them the previous time so.. Yeah I know.. I'm kinda un-original but I really didn't know what to get for him and it's not easy to get the Shure adapter in Singapore. I had to go thro the distributor, get contact for the retailer, call n reserve them coz it was the last piece! Then cabbed down to collect them. :p But I'm glad that it's something that he likes and wants.

Met up with BS & Esther for dinner at Orchard on Fri. A quiet nite, jus dinner and some walking around but it was nice and sweet. I must admit that we've been having such moments together that are very pleasant and warming.

Sat - Woke up early to visit gram. She's finally more willing to eat. My gram has been on a hunger strike for the last 2 weeks and I have been dead worried. Seeing her eat the moment I reached was the best moment. I smile immediately. She refused to talk still but nodded her head when I talked to her. Good enough for me. :)

Booked badminton court for next Sat. Finally found a court! Brekkie with Aunt Marg, Uncle Charles, Uncle Steven & Eeyore at a place near Anne's place. It was delicious and Eeyore ate 2 bowls!! Greedy pig! Hehehe. Met up with Freya at Toa Payoh Hub after settling my Power Supply stuff (which I have to go again). Went for perfumes and creams warehouse sale at Toa Payoh Safra. Bought 2 perfumes for myself and Eeyore bought 3! Hehe. :p

Home. Rested, showered and headed to Funan to change the colour of the earphones. Walked to Esplanade, bought tickets for Cats for Sunday's matinee show. Dinner at Humble House followed by dessert at Max Brenner's Choc House. Mouth watering choc that I can't resist despite being very full! Home after that and although I was damn tired, I waited til 12 midnight to wish Eeyore a Happy Bday before sleeping. :D

Today, I woke up, showered, painted toe nails, ate lunch and went to watch Cats. Yes, I dolled up today for his bday. ^.^ Show was good. I liked 1 of the singers/dancers a lot! He was really good in the show. Sleek in his dance moves, powerful voice. Fantastic!
When the show ended, we went to Max Brenner's Choc House again. :p Hehehe. More chocs!!
Took a bus to Vivo to meet his friends, Beng & Alysa for dinner. 3 of us bought dinner for Eeyore and his friends even bought a cake for him. All in all, it was a quiet but enjoyable day for us. Hope he enjoyed it and had fun today! :)


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