
Showing posts from 2013

More catchups!

Have been busy catching up with friends but haven't been blogging much as I've been down with flu these 2 weekends. My nasal passage hurts badly and it makes me irritated. Plus itching skin every night has been causing me too wake up at unearthly hours in the morning and causing me to be super tired. Supposed to go to Rebecca's house last night for steamboat but I passed on the invite. My 1st time talking to her was at Alwyn's wedding, despite us knowing about each other's existence all these years. Haha. The irony of it all. She's a nice lady but coz of Wayne and I in the past, we never really spoke much I guess. But really appreciate her thoughts and effort in getting the guys to ask me along. Didn't want to spread the flu germs to her 3 kids so decided to pass on the invite.. :( Met up with Luke before he went to France for training to clear things up. And it was a good catch up plus talk session coz he finally understands what I went through the othe

Awesome Week of Catch Ups!

I think I've been neglecting this blog for way too long. I remember I cut down on posts coz someone didn't like me posting stuff about my own personal life or my life with him.. But since that someone has even created his own Instagram account and has been posting so much stuff.. Why should I still bother? He's outta my life now anyway so no reason for me to neglect my own blog. Time to move on and live my own life for me! 02 Dec 2013 (Monday) Dinner with Yuhui and Lena at Rakuzen Millenia Walk. 1st time having dinner with these 2 ladies together and I must admit, we had fun!! Talking and gossiping about people in office, telling once another about ourselves and stuff going on, the rubbish we've had to go through. It was an enjoyable 3 hours of bitching session. Hahaha. Hope we can have such dinners more often!! :) 03 Dec 2013 (Tuesday) My only day this week of not meeting anyone!! Nice quiet evening at home eating my favorite pig's organ's soup and playin


My 2 weeks leave is coming to an end but I think I've made it a fruitful 2 weeks for myself. Finally finished packing the entire house on Wed with the wonderful of Ah Na! I'm so pleased with the results that I don't mind staying home all day as a couch potato coz it's soooo comfy (in my own opinion) now.  Met up with Luke, Vic and Wayne sometime last week. I didn't write this down but something's been bugging me since then. Wayne picked me up from home to join the rest for dinner which was sweet and nice of him. But the whole journey and whole dinner period, he was talking all about himself, his new job, his new rank.. Blah blah blah. And adding on the that, he had to keep disturbing and teasing me as if it's very funny. I didn't find it funny at all and of coz I got irritated.  Spoke to Luke after that and Luke thinks that I've changed to become more cynical after the coma incident. Of coz he didn't know that Wayne was already irritating

Compliance Leave

2nd working day of my 2 weeks leave. Spent last Friday meeting the ex citi er mei pai ladies for lunch. I've always enjoyed meeting them despite the 2 hour back and fro travelling from home to CBP just to meet them. Nothing counts more than the friendship and the company.  Spent half of Saturday with family visiting gram and going for prayers. Missing gramp, daddy, mummy and aunt mic. Speaking of which, today marks the 4th year that aunt mic has left us.. Time flies right? :( wanted to pack my house on sat but got too tired and lazy.  So I spent Sun packing the wardrobes and have managed to clear 3 big piles of clothes. Aunt Janet asked me why I'm always cooping myself up at home on weekends. No idea too. Well.. Maybe I haven't yet let go? Unlike someone who is already moving on and enjoying his freedom and life as can be seen from his fb clubbing and enjoying life pics and he's even using instagram now to post pics. I'm just stupid I guess. And so, my laptop charge

Phantom of the Opera

Just when I thought I wouldn't be able to catch the musical of Phantom of the Opera performing this year, a sweet little surprise msg from Kelv gor came on Thursday night asking if I want to catch the show with him on Friday night. :) Maybe I really did wish hard enough and a miracle happened to me? His company gave him 2 free tickets for doing a project well and the tickets cost $168 each. We were seated at the 2nd block from the front and could see clearly everything going on on the stage. :p Happiness and satisfaction! And most importantly, thank you to my Kelv gor for remembering me and asking me along!!! Unexpected but pleasantly surprised and definitely a nice and sweet gesture! :D My favourite track from the muscial "All I Ask Of You".. Coz 2 sentences in the song says "Love me... That's all I ask of you".. And saying that, I have just finished crying. Eeyore has officially moved out of my place now. I may seem fine on the outside but somehow, it

Thoughts - Work and Personal

Martin aka Ding Ding was asked to go yesterday. 1 of the closest salesperson to me and who has taught me a lot over the last 4 years. He is willing to teach and he's very knowledgable. I really no longer look forward to going to work anymore. I drag myself to work everyday and my own team pisses me off most of the time. I have a good mind to leave. So, let's start with my team where 4 out of 8 people (excluding myself in the 8) really turns me off. A.R - yes, I know you are the youngest in the team and the top earner for a year or 2 now. I don't give a damn about that coz you don't give me my pay nor my bonus. And neither have you ever paid for my drink nor meal despite always saying you will. You do tons of trades and you do them all wrong. I'm the one who cleans up your ass for you every single time. Stop showing me your fucking attitude as if you are my boss coz you most definitely are not my boss! You screw up and you told me to go back to my desk and fix your

Responsibility, Honesty, Integrity

Why this title one might ask? Coz these days, I realize that people don't have such basic common sense and attitude anymore. Responsibility - if you truly care for a person, you will learn to be responsible, to be caring and to be more concerned and sensitive. Coming home late (past midnight) and closing doors without turning the door knobs or simply slamming them shut is an act of being inconsiderate. Simple acts of throwing things away or putting them properly in place after use is an act of being responsible for your actions. Turning on the tv, or using ipad, the handphone or laptop at max volume when someone is trying to sleep just shows that you are rude. Honesty - When all the acts above are performed and you question the person, the person can lie in your face blatantly despite giving him the chance of telling the truth at least 3 times.. Just makes me think if this person can ever be trusted. Yet, the person just thinks it's "funny" to lie and take you as

I No Longer Know..

I no longer know.. Last Friday I told my ex-colleague and him that I'm due for doctor's checkup today. This morning he asked me "why are you dressed like that?". However, my ex-colleague messaged me in office at 2pm to ask me how my checkup went. Obviously, my ex-colleague (who is married with 2 kids) is more concerned and actually remembered that I have a doctor's appointment rather than the one who stays with me but can't be bothered to even remember. I no longer know... Anyway, wanna congratulate Tom on his marriage last Saturday! I'm happy for you! :)

Thanks Gaurav!

When did things start changing so much that I no longer know anything? Or is it me who has changed? I really wonder.. Was I too forgiving, too tolerant in the past and now, after all that ordeal, I've finally learnt and want to be better to myself? Why is it so hard to fathom? I'm really at the crossroads of my life in terms of everything - from personal life, family, work, etc. What do I and should I really do now?Sigh...  Anyway, Gaurav is leaving our team.. He's moving to NY and I'm sad. For a period of time, I didn't like him much. But.. He was the one who taught me stuff, who brought me to broker dinners and "showed me the world". Between him and me, we have always been brutally honest with each other. He can be bad tempered and vulgar and rude but he can also be open and generous. I've always enjoyed talking to him and having him around during broker dinners are always more fun than when he's not there.  We had so much at the last Xmas

Good To Be Home

It's been a month since I was discharged from the hospital and I must exclaim, "IT'S GOOD TO BE HOME!!!!" Especially when there's homecooked meals almost everyday! :)))) Thanks to Ah Na!! :D Seriously, I've never been the sort of person who likes to stay at home all the time or can sit still the whole time. But after this ordeal, I really enjoy being at home playing games on my mobile, playing sudoku or wordsearch on books and simply surfing the net or doing nothing at times. It's so unlike the old me! Of coz I still enjoy chatting with my friends and catching up with everyone! Makes me happy to receive SMS or whatsapp from all the people I'm close with! :) I've also come to realize a lot of things about my own family and about some of my friends through these 2 months. The hidden secrets about my family.. Who are the real family members and who are the fake ones. Same for some of my "close" friends - the true close ones and those who

An Ordeal I Will Never Forget

Exactly 1 month ago on this date aka Xmas Eve, I got myself admitted into Raffles Hospital with high fever. When I was 1st admitted, the doctor said I should probably only need to stay for about 3 days and I should be able to be discharged. Little did any of us know that things took a turn for the worse. I slipped into a coma - unconsciousness. Eeyore and Peg said it was for a few hours but I was in a stupor for about a week. I have no clue. It felt like months when I finally became more alert. I lost all my memories of 2012 and half of 2011. I can remember things that are more historic but not the recent events. I can't even recall Eeyore proposing to me. :( The coma state was kind of weird. I saw Eeyore's parents and sister and bro-in-law at my bed. But it seemed like I was there with them, not lying on the bed. It's like my spirit sort of left my body as well. And I saw my late aunt who passed away in 2009 and when I woke up, I thought she was still alive. It's a