More catchups!

Have been busy catching up with friends but haven't been blogging much as I've been down with flu these 2 weekends. My nasal passage hurts badly and it makes me irritated. Plus itching skin every night has been causing me too wake up at unearthly hours in the morning and causing me to be super tired.

Supposed to go to Rebecca's house last night for steamboat but I passed on the invite. My 1st time talking to her was at Alwyn's wedding, despite us knowing about each other's existence all these years. Haha. The irony of it all. She's a nice lady but coz of Wayne and I in the past, we never really spoke much I guess. But really appreciate her thoughts and effort in getting the guys to ask me along. Didn't want to spread the flu germs to her 3 kids so decided to pass on the invite.. :(

Met up with Luke before he went to France for training to clear things up. And it was a good catch up plus talk session coz he finally understands what I went through the other time when he said I was cynical. He experienced it first hand last night and whatsapp-ed me to tell me about it. Hahaha. As usual, Mr Full of himself was still full of himself last night and yakked endlessly, irritating the hell out of Luke this time. Luckily I wasn't there or I'll be the one irritated. Hehe.

Met up with Jarren, Jieming, his gf and SK some time last week or was it the week before? Can't remember. Haha. Played pool!!! Unbelievable right?? I haven't touched pool in more than a year now!!! And it has rekindled my love for pool again!!! :) :) :) Glad that Jarren arranged this gathering for us to catch up and play pool again! And surprisingly, I still win them! Hahaha. But thanks for Jarren for sending me home and having a good chat with him. Funnily enough, I used to be super close to SK and now, I'm closer to Jarren instead. People do change eh?

Went to Ky's place for Xmas dinner last Sunday (22 Dec). Last year at this time, I went to hospital instead and am glad to be able to join them for dinner once again. Ah Na purposely cooked a lot of my favourite dishes! Soooo touched! But everyone (Aunt Marg, Ann, Ky, etc) could tell I was pissed with my sis and MZ. I'm not surprised. I didn't speak to both of them at all and they said my face was "black" too. LOL. Why wouldn't I be? I'm still annoyed with both of them til today.. But like I promised Ann, I'll try to forgive and forget.

But to forgive and forget is easier said than done. If it wasn't for them, I may still be attached now. And to think my own sis sided with him instead of me and told him that yeah, she thinks I've changed too. Why the hell did I change?? Did she even try to understand what happened in between that caused me to change before taking sides of other people instead of her own sis?? If it wasn't coz of her and her husband, why the F would I change and why the F do they think I'll say break up? The disgrace caused by them is knife deep and I have never felt so humiliated in my entire life before, all thanks to them! Honestly.. Fuckers. Yet I must forgive and forget what happened. ARGHHHH!!! Blood boils every time I think about it.

Changing the subject so I won't be pissed anymore.. Yuhui and Jannah are so sweet! Both bought me presents for my bday. Nice of them but seriously, shouldn't waste money on presents for me. My bday is just another day for me now. No intention to celebrate at all. Yuhui says i'm becoming more and more homely aka 宅女 these days. Haha. I think so too!! I actually do love staying home these days somehow. And I have to thank Josh for coming all the way to my office to have lunch with me and for the Royce chocs for Xmas pressie and to Ashley for the Xmas hamper! :)

Meant to meet Luke tonight but the flu is still here and I'm still groggy. To think I even dropped my iPad on the floor and the screen is cracked!! How my heart hurts!!! That's the 1st present I bought for myself right after the breakup!! Damn it!! Time to head to Wheelock place again... When I'm on leave in Jan.. Sigh.. :(


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