Compliance Leave

2nd working day of my 2 weeks leave. Spent last Friday meeting the ex citi er mei pai ladies for lunch. I've always enjoyed meeting them despite the 2 hour back and fro travelling from home to CBP just to meet them. Nothing counts more than the friendship and the company. 

Spent half of Saturday with family visiting gram and going for prayers. Missing gramp, daddy, mummy and aunt mic. Speaking of which, today marks the 4th year that aunt mic has left us.. Time flies right? :( wanted to pack my house on sat but got too tired and lazy. 

So I spent Sun packing the wardrobes and have managed to clear 3 big piles of clothes. Aunt Janet asked me why I'm always cooping myself up at home on weekends. No idea too. Well.. Maybe I haven't yet let go? Unlike someone who is already moving on and enjoying his freedom and life as can be seen from his fb clubbing and enjoying life pics and he's even using instagram now to post pics. I'm just stupid I guess.

And so, my laptop charger decided to kill itself last night and I had to purposely wake up early to go to wheelock place to have it fixed. They were nice to replace the entire charger for me for free. Yay! Haha. And since my doctor's appointment is at 4pm, here I am.. Sitting at NYDC by myself having my brunch and waiting for time to pass. I'm quite amazed though... Business at NYDC used to be so good and now.. It's a dead town. Only 2 tables occupied including the one I'm sitting at!

Gonna meet aunt marg for dinner later after doc's appointment. And that's the diff between me and him I guess.. I'm more family and home oriented but he's more about enjoying by himself. Oh well, maybe it's really time for me to move and stop dwelling on the past..

Also, just received news that a very good friend cum mentor of mine - Peter G is now in London and will be based there til end July. Gonna miss chatting with him and while i was eating, I realized that I've known him for 15 years now and I don't even have a pic taken with him. -.-''' 

PS: people ask why I took these 2 weeks off and why I'm not travelling on my leave this time. The real reason behind it is coz.. The stupid idiot me planned these 2 weeks off coz it was supposed to be out 5 years tog and I thought we could do something about it or go somewhere. Oh well.. As usual, I'm just stupid and dumb as someone obviously didn't care or remember or realize it at all. Anyway, I'll still make full use of my 2 weeks off to enjoy myself. :) 


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