An Ordeal I Will Never Forget

Exactly 1 month ago on this date aka Xmas Eve, I got myself admitted into Raffles Hospital with high fever. When I was 1st admitted, the doctor said I should probably only need to stay for about 3 days and I should be able to be discharged. Little did any of us know that things took a turn for the worse.

I slipped into a coma - unconsciousness. Eeyore and Peg said it was for a few hours but I was in a stupor for about a week. I have no clue. It felt like months when I finally became more alert. I lost all my memories of 2012 and half of 2011. I can remember things that are more historic but not the recent events. I can't even recall Eeyore proposing to me. :(

The coma state was kind of weird. I saw Eeyore's parents and sister and bro-in-law at my bed. But it seemed like I was there with them, not lying on the bed. It's like my spirit sort of left my body as well. And I saw my late aunt who passed away in 2009 and when I woke up, I thought she was still alive. It's all a very weird sort of experience. I really dunno how to describe it.

I must thank Eeyore a lot for being by my side. I feel bad for making him so worried. I can't believe I spent Xmas and my birthday in hospital without even knowing about it. He couldn't sleep half the time and I feel awful. My whole family was so worried about me as well. I woke up with him scolding me for cursing myself on the morbid post. I really had that premonition you know.. It's like an omen.. I felt it that way that's why I wrote it but he wasn't happy about it for sure.

All I can say is that I hope it never happens again - all the tubes in me and all the needles.. Horrifying! But it's also made me treasure my loved ones, family and friends even more than ever!!

2013 - may everyone stay healthy and happy!!!

PS: sorry.. the mind is still not working properly so the post is a bit jumbled and incoherent.


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