Awesome Week of Catch Ups!

I think I've been neglecting this blog for way too long. I remember I cut down on posts coz someone didn't like me posting stuff about my own personal life or my life with him.. But since that someone has even created his own Instagram account and has been posting so much stuff.. Why should I still bother? He's outta my life now anyway so no reason for me to neglect my own blog. Time to move on and live my own life for me!

02 Dec 2013 (Monday)
Dinner with Yuhui and Lena at Rakuzen Millenia Walk. 1st time having dinner with these 2 ladies together and I must admit, we had fun!! Talking and gossiping about people in office, telling once another about ourselves and stuff going on, the rubbish we've had to go through. It was an enjoyable 3 hours of bitching session. Hahaha. Hope we can have such dinners more often!! :)

03 Dec 2013 (Tuesday)
My only day this week of not meeting anyone!! Nice quiet evening at home eating my favorite pig's organ's soup and playing games and watching tv all night long! Only slept at 1am coz I'm on leave next 3 days of this week!! WOOOHOOOO!!!

04 Dec 2013 (Wednesday)
Stanley aka my Dragonfly singing cum dancing buddy is back in SG from Shanghai!!!! Met up with Bee in the afternoon as she was on half day leave as well and we went for high tea then walked around and shopped a bit while waiting for Stanley to join us after work. Felt good doing that with Bee as it was just like the good old days when I was single and didn't have any commitments or any restrictions. Chatted with her a lot and finally she's caught up on everything happening in my life. She was in awe and shock when she heard but as usual, she is always there for me and I'm thankful for that!!

Wanted to go for fish steamboat with Stan but queue was wayyyy too long so we went for Thai food instead. And it was then that we found out Stan is now married!!! CONGRATS!!! So happy for him!!! Miss those days when we will go clubbing/KTV and have so much fun together. I shall plan a visit to Shanghai and visit him soon!!!

05 Dec 2013 (Thursday)
Aunt Janet cooked lunch for me so I went to collect from her. After lunch, I rested for a bit and headed over to Sid's place to visit the Love of My Life aka Sarah!! Miss her heaps!! May Yee (Sid's friend), her hubby Ian and her baby boy of 14 months Damien were also there. Had fun playing with Damien and Ian for 3 hours plus before I left for dinner with Jimson at Bishan.

Been a while since I met Jimson. Still looking good I must say. Hahaha. Except that he was down with flu and the flu smell was soooo strong! Ate at Din Tai Fung and chatted about stuff. He's morbid and "dark" nature came back out a bit again. Not sure why. I think he's having problems with his gf but I didn't wanna probe. He's always had 2 sides and I don't like the dark side of him or the over ambitious side. Was a good catch up too!

Overall, this week has been awesome! Gonna meet more people from tomorrow (or rather later) til Sunday!!! Yay!!! 


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