
My 2 weeks leave is coming to an end but I think I've made it a fruitful 2 weeks for myself. Finally finished packing the entire house on Wed with the wonderful of Ah Na! I'm so pleased with the results that I don't mind staying home all day as a couch potato coz it's soooo comfy (in my own opinion) now. 

Met up with Luke, Vic and Wayne sometime last week. I didn't write this down but something's been bugging me since then. Wayne picked me up from home to join the rest for dinner which was sweet and nice of him. But the whole journey and whole dinner period, he was talking all about himself, his new job, his new rank.. Blah blah blah. And adding on the that, he had to keep disturbing and teasing me as if it's very funny. I didn't find it funny at all and of coz I got irritated. 

Spoke to Luke after that and Luke thinks that I've changed to become more cynical after the coma incident. Of coz he didn't know that Wayne was already irritating me the whole journey to dinner so he thought that it was just from dinner that I felt that way. I dunno.. the Wayne I used to know was not so all about himself. Now it's just him, him and him. Maybe I'm cynical. I don't give a damn. I doubt I'll be meeting up with this group of people much from now on anyway. 

Chris Y has been messaging me on FB and whatsapp and I couldn't be bothered to reply. When he had a gf, he totally chose to ignore friends and gave us bad attitude. Now that he's single again, he's trying to "pick up the pieces of his life and keep in contact" again. F off is what I think suits him most. Sorry but I really detest people who think that friends are negligible in their lives when they are attached and only try to make up for it when they break up. To me, such friends are worthless and useless and totally not worth my time. 

Yes, I'm cynical and harsh. So be it. Take it or leave it. 


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