DVD Watching Weekend

My 1 year anniversary with Eeyore. Woke up to a nice card and a Dior watch as pressie. Took half day leave to go for my medical checkup. But prior to leaving office, I received the below which made the whole office went "wow! what's the occasion?". *blush*

He accompanied me for my checkup. Then we went for a walk to Sim Lim Square where I finally bought a new digicam to replace the spoilt one. :p Went for dessert, then movie "Time Traveller's Wife" which I wanted to watch. Then dinner at the place where we went for our 1st date. ^.^

A simple day and nite but enough to make me touched and happy! :)

The 4th day that Ting and Kat are in Singapore from Sydney. Went to Helipad for drinks. It's been a long long time since I drank much. Had 7 shots and a housepour. :p Reached home at 2am plus where I simply conked out.

Eeyore went to Bali with the girls. I'm all alone in Singapore for the weekend. Met Zavien gor after years.. Ever since graduation. It was his bday and we went for a simple dinner plus pool. I still suck at it.. I think my skills are deteriorating. Gor had to keep giving me chances to win. :(

Happy bday to Zavien gor, Bee, Anson and Celine!

26/09/09 & 27/09/09
Spent my weekend at home doing nothing but watch DVDs. Watched 恋空 (Sky of Love), a Japanese movie that was sooo touching that I kept crying. Then watched 恶作剧之吻 (It started with a kiss), a Taiwanese drama that is quite funny but sometimes touching. I like the male lead in the show!! :p DROOL! Hehehe.

But then again, coz of watching DVDs, I merely ate 10 Tim Tams in 2 days and I suffered bad gastric pain the whole of today. Even after taking gastric pills, it's not helping at all. :( Still feeling the pain on and off. Sighz..

Realised that some friends take me as insignificant. They know, but they don't care. No reaction, no concern. I think I'm starting to see things clearly now, see who my true friends are. What I want and care about is not presents, not jus fun at gatherings. Who really care? Who really bother? I think I'm starting to see it now..

It saddens me coz I always treat my friends with my heart.. But...

My neighbour's grand daughter brightened my sad day though. She saw me from far when her dad carrying her was walking away from me. She kept pointing her little finger and hands at me, making noises for her dad to stop walking. When her dad finally stopped walking, she smiled.. A very bright and cheery smile that simply melted my heart. She recognises me! Even from far!

As her dad walked away, she kept waving bye to me. That is enough to make me happy. I'm not that hard to please. A simple action, a simple word of concern is enough to make me touched, make me happy. But why can't people who think they are my close friends do just that? I've showed my care and concern when I know about things.. Why is my friendship not reciprocated?

Don't wish to think anymore..


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