Sleeping.. Unconscious..

Aunt Mic has been sleeping for the last 30 hours now. She refuses to wake up no matter how much I shout, scream and talk to her. She didn't move her eyes nor her limbs. She didn't give me a reaction at all.

All of us broke down today. Yes, we did.. It was tears, tears and more tears despite the fact that we were trying to be strong. It ain't easy.. Not easy for any of us. When her oxygen level was low, we wanted it to be high. But at that time, she was conscious. Now that her oxygen level is high, she's unconscious. I dunno which I prefer.. But of coz, I'll prefer it most if her oxygen level is high and she's conscious.

The next few days is gonna be tough. We will always maintain hope and be strong for her. We will always be there for her. Pls.. Pls jus let my aunt wake up and be ok once again.


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